31 diciembre 2007
today marks the 2 year anniversary of the last real rez rendezvous. and about 6months until the next (hopefully). i'll be missing all my bilagaanas tonight.
28 diciembre 2007
cerdos y mantequilla
first, ol duff dog made another obama tribute in butter
second, edwards apparently is advocating a national moratorium on the construction or expansion of concentrated animal feeding operations. you'd think that'd be enough to sway duffy, but i guess she's more multi dimensional than i give her credit for.
anyway, i was in ol ioway yesterday for a lovely family lunch at bennigans. it was good time talking with with cousin doug about guatemala, and i got to see the newest of my nieces once removed (sobrina mas o menos), and heard about the birth of my newest nephew once removed. i think i'm using that kinship term correctly. cousins' kids...who knows really. anyway, on the way back home we stopped for some refreshment, and i found myself some swiss valley chocolate milk. its my favorite dairy because that's where duff's milk goes. and i trust her product. she knows her milk.
11 diciembre 2007
el mismo
05 diciembre 2007
aaa redux
on friday, i left gero's award ceremony thing, and went off in search of a water fountain to fill my water bottle. i assumed somewhere near a restroom would be a good bet. but the marriot is a confusing place. i wandered around in circles for a while, then asked a catering man where the restrooms were. he pointed to the nearest ones, and i followed his finger.
as i neared them, i saw a guy in a suit sitting on the floor. he looked familiar. it was the cope from md who had come to the pub anth conference. so i said hello, and we began talking. shortly afterwards, a man walked past and the two said hello. i asked who it was. cope said "no one you know." i said, "was that webster?" he said, "oh. yeah? how do you know him?"
i explained the c-town connection. webster came back, and the three of us began chatting, when c-town frank's best friend came along as well. knowing both webster and i we all began to talk. cope decided he needed coffee before his job interview, so the four of us walked to starbucks. when we got there, the lazy-eyed texan came around the corner. he also knows cope and webster from ut. so the five of us stood and talked, and soon the (h) gill came up as well. it was as if all parts of my life for the last 8 years had converged in a tiny space at starbucks. apparently, it really is the center of the universe.
the next day i saw bii jih bah's mom, who works for a department that interviewed cope. yet more connections...maybe its the rez that's the center of the universe.
04 diciembre 2007
desde amor a casarse
well, enough sappiness for today. but i'll leave you with a picture of true love
03 diciembre 2007
*i finally saw harjant's full film. good stuff
*i doubly confirmed my loss of any sort of gaydar
*helen says she still tells people about my thesis
*bill irons has no f*ing clue who i am
*jj was worried i was mad at him, and as usual made me feel brilliant
*the crazy-eyed texan got a posh makeover
*the dumpling got me a free dinner
*the original nemesis is off to argentina soon
*bauer's about the same as usual.
but really what i learned is anthro is a small world and everyone knows everyone else. perhaps i should launch into an athro web. i'll try to stay out of the center of this one.
mujeres de futbol
i have been trying vehemently but unsuccessfully to get a hold of a book through the consortium and inter library loan for about a week.
tonight i realized i have three chapters by the author in various edited volumes on my bookshelf.
which is, of course, relieving. but a little disconcerting.
(there will be a blog about aaa soon, i promise)
28 noviembre 2007
and then i decided to go further. i changed my desktop to a dark picture. i changed the background of my blog and other various websites from light to black. i changed the background of my windows from light to dark. my life is dark now, existing primarily in basements and all.
and its silly and small, but every little bit helps i suppose. or at least it can't hurt.
26 noviembre 2007

13 noviembre 2007
nava-who? miss navajo!
the documentary followed a miss navajo contestant, who seemed to be from shiprock, based on shots outside their home. it was a nice overview of historical and current issues as framed through the pageant. the historical knowledge quiz only stumped me once, though i certainly wouldn't have been able to answer as thoroughly as the contestants (or in navajo!). it involved the treaty of 1868 (the long walk), changing woman, coyote, and the n.n. seal.
i also appreciated the nuanced way of addressing sheep butchering (though no visuals of "fat sheep 4 sale" signs). they mention its traumatic for some people. which i can attest to. but also seem to take pride in it as legitimizing the contest as more substantial than other beauty pageants. (i also want to note that the butchering was more offputting for me because it caught me off guard, rather than being "gross." though it did reconfirm my vegetarianism....but i digress). they also had to make fry bread, and exhibit a "traditional" talent.
it did an excellent job of addressing language loss. none of the contestants were fluent. most spoke some navajo, but were not able to answer questions completely in dine'. and a little of the history of this loss was touched on, including boarding schools, which i also found excellent for contextualization.
all in all, it was excellent, highly recommended, etc. but then again, i'm not quite an unbiased observer.
09 noviembre 2007
atletas embarazadas
and i, of course, have many thoughts.
first, i have to say that the glaring problem with the article is the complete absence of reproductive justice discussion. sure, i can imagine why, but there are a variety of topics approached in the article that require mention of rj for thorough discussion.
the very first paragraph begins, "The timing wasn't the greatest," bringing to mind my (mis) quoted statement from the chron, "I think that abortion rights are central to women being able to control their own lives." Followed by (surprisingly appropriately named) Junk's appraisal that my comment "implies that women are neither free nor equal citizens unless they can legally end a pregnancy." And her assessment is pretty right on.
I do believe that a woman who is unable to decide when, where, and how to get pregnant is neither free nor equal. The Daily Herald article illustrates both of these aspects. First, women who are not free to choose between abortion and a child are not free from several constraints. They are not free from biology. They are not free from economic consequences. They are not free from social consequences. They are not free to pursue a future of their choosing. But, by this argument really no one is "free," we all make choices within constraints not of our choosing (to loosely paraphrase Marx). And since what sort of "free" is not specified in Junk's article, I'll move on to the second point.
Women are not equal citizens if they are unable to choose. Now, since I've been reading a lot of Altusser, Ong, and other such citizenship theorists lately, I should mention that here I use the term "citizenship" to mean the full rights associated with being an official member of a group. I do not mean mere "belonging," nor do I mean simply the right to vote. Citizenship is hailed by the state and ensured through Ideological State Apparatuses. It includes the full protection of the state, the right to participation in the public sphere, and all benefits associated with membership. And it is not "merely cultural" (Judith Butler, 1997), but implies real material consequences. In the case of pregnant athletes these consequences are the scholarships they receive to attend school. When these scholarships are taken away, at best they are left with paying tuition. At worst, these women will be financially forced to quit school, and may also miss out on a promising professional athletic career (and I'm now resisting the urge to switch gears and launch into a critique of gender inequality in professional athletics).
Of course the consequences for women are only one half of the equality equation (haha). As the article mentions, many college athletes have children. While an undergrad myself, one of nu's star football players was the father of no less than 3 children. he went on to the nfl. Even one child for a female athlete, on the other hand, would not only preclude playing in what could be a pivotal season to be able to play professional sports. Perhaps I verge too closely to equating pregnancy with injury, which in some ways may be appropriate but from a legal standpoint gets, well, "sticky."
It is also important to note that members of a Clemson team did terminate pregnancy out of fear of losing scholarships. Now at risk of sounding like I'm anti-choice (bear with me here), it is an atrocity that a person would be compelled to terminate a pregnancy for such reasons. Of course, it happens all the time, and there are plenty of women who simply cannot afford a(nother) child and terminate pregnancies. Which points to the vast array of underlying problems, with healthcare systems, welfare states, maternity/paternity leaves, day care systems, and plenty of other institutions. All this is simply to say, that perhaps de Beauvoir was too quick to assert that "biology is not destiny." Unfortunately the current state of reproductive justice and the aforementioned institutions do leave women unequally equipped to claim the rights associated with citizenship.
Alright, now...moving on. In large part I agree with the article, but I find it too apologetic. Aside from her complete sidestep of rj issues, Babcock McGraw says she can "see both sides." Female athletes engaging in unprotected sex are being irresponsible, and this behavior is equated with drinking and driving or snowboarding. Sure, unprotected sex is never a good idea, but if female athletes are held responsible for such acts to an extent that they are dropped from rosters (and funding), to maintain equality, male athletes who father children should be held to the same standard. If we regard athletes as having a primary commitment to their institution (as the author implies), a child constitutes a breach of that contract whether the fetus is physically growing in the athletes womb or simply takes half of its dna from the athlete. Any distinction between to the two privileges male-boded athletes (as if they're not privileged enough). If athletes are dropped from rosters for "irresponsibility" this should include all bodily injury or change, drugs or drinking, or anything else that may get the athlete into legal trouble (even a misdemeanor arrest). Isn't this why we have Title IX?
the espnU website has a nice write up of outside the lines that includes a little video.
Ok, so now i'm just rambling on and i've spent too much time writing this instead of my paper on german anthropology. ah, procrastination...
31 octubre 2007
una hag de nuevo
but it feels like home. i haven't really been in that little world since my days of hanging at roscoe's and charlie's (and unfortunately, spin). sure, i saw dwt a few times in queens, plus leo and upside in the dale. but really, since 2003 i've been very absent from the gay bar scene. for better or worse.
so i have the option of going to an 18 & over gay club tomorrow night after class. i'll probably pass. but i am attending a gay dinner party friday night. i think i'm destined to never have female friends again...
30 octubre 2007
instead we checked out the crab shack, and really i can't imagine anything more perfect for a birthday. we drank vodka out of pint glasses, ate greasy food (poppers, grilled cheese & curly fries for me), and met what jr would call "a couple of characters."
we also saw handjob earlier in the day after he ran a marathon. we met him at a bar, and not surprisingly he was a little bit tuned. he spilled some beer on k, but all was in good fun. the final key moment of the birthday sunday would have to be watching the cmt show, dallas coyboy cheerleader auditions, or whatever the official name is. really, that's what kept us from wwe. but how often is it that three people of such divergent interests find a show they all want to watch in marathon form on cmt. it couldn't be helped!
26 octubre 2007
el mismo

i couldn't help but notice the similarity of my living room to the one i had 3 years ago. and i couldn't help but make an ode to what is probably my greatest photographic work (at least in an egotistical sense).
the lighting's not as good, and it took me quite a few tries to get the expression similar to the original. which perhaps is not shocking, but realize that the original was taken on a film camera. i took 2 pictures. no retakes. no testing the lighting to see how it shows up. and i still think they're better. but maybe its the enigma that makes me like them more. maybe its the context, the positionality. the knowledge of what happened before, and especially after those pictures were taken.
the unfortunate part of it all is that i don't even have a reason to get dressed up for halloween this year.
25 octubre 2007
anthropolog@s alemanes
many people argued it had a lot to do with the escapism necessary after wwi, or something along those lines. and i didn't fully formulate this in class, but the more i think about it, i think it was only a matter of the completeness of control.
around the same time, the us was coercively sterrilizing puerto rican women. clearly a product of eugenics. and no, to my (admittedly very limited knowledge) there were no anthropologists clamouring to get in on the action. but my guess someone had been reading some anthropology work on p.r. now, by no means am i equating the two. certainly there are huge differences and i don't mean to minimize the nazi's practices with a comparison to sterilization. but the point is, lets not pretend we are so innocent with our boasian tradition. i'm sure this is just one example among many that could be used. and that's completely leaving aside vietnam era anthropology of the vietcong. and now we've got this human terrain mapping. again, i'm not in any way saying it is the same magnitude. but it is something to ponder...
piensos extranos
2. i ran two miles on tuesday with the kronner. it was pretty pathetic at the end. there was a very slow but steady upwards hill that just killed me. but hey, at least i'm trying. we did get to discuss his thoughts on moving to chicago though.
3. my internet went down yesterday, and was fixed today. they guy who fixed it was from chicago, and we discussed the beloved windy city. then i got an email from smoyer who just moved to chicago. i'm now putting together something to send, but i have to find a few more things. its all making me miss chi town. and i won't ever fly through there for the holidays. i'll have to make a trip sometime soon.
4. it was a crappy rainy day, and my allergies were bad, but i decided i had to get out and go to the grocery story before consuelo z arrives. and when i left the apt, i had something very exciting from method in the mail. just a bag, no cleaning goodies, but still. it lightened my day.
5. as did this
i was especially heartened because a few months ago i made an ill-advised attempt to argue in class that the butter cow had something to do with citizenship. at the time i basically conceded that it really was only about belonging. but this proves the point. speaking of which, i should call duff.

23 octubre 2007
i was talking to the leap in an office, which seemed to be more like a storage closet under a set of stairs. then johnny c., of hey hi '98 fame, asked me if i wanted to get lunch. he just sort of barged in to the office. and was wearing an argyle sweater. but his hair was still all spikey. i told him i couldn't, and then the leap asked if he was my high school boyfriend. i said no, and explained the politics of our non existant relationship. basically, that i was (am) a nerd.
that's about all there was to it, but its just so weird. what the hell is he doing in my dreams? what could have brought this on? and really, if i'm going to dream about being asked out to lunch by some hey hi alumn, couldn't it at least be a cute one like ar or mn or hb?
speaking of which...the fox sent me a text message this weekend. the stars must be aligned for some sort of heyworthian cosmic connection or something. weird.
17 octubre 2007
bars and bad press
we bought some long boards, some marble looking contact paper. some battery operated lights, some shelving. some 2x4s. we loaded it into the trunk of my rez-mobile, somehow, and drove back to hamlin street. we unloaded, took everything up the 3 flights of stairs, and pulled out my tool box (he certainly didn't have one). we nailed and leveled and covered and hung my painting behind it and stood back to admire our new bar.
this bar was the home to beloved space prom. it was home to the rainbow alliance party that ended in an ambulance call. it was home to a vagina monologues after party, a few improvisational parties, the party i threw when i finished my thesis.
so, here i am getting all nostalgic about a piece of wood perched against the wall with the vag mon. stools surrounding it. but the point is that bar was a central point to my senior year of college. as seemingly background as it was, without it things would have been different. all because of home depot.
(now here's where i get to the feminist ranting part of the blog)
but of course home depot has to go and decide that its stores aren't woman friendly enough. and i'm pissed. hell i spent a good number of lunch breaks when i worked at the arch. firm wandering around the h.d. on 23rd street. i was at home depot about 5 times this summer. i love the place. rather, i loved.
no more. home depot is dead to me. don't insult me! treat me like a human being with a brain and the ability to construct simple structures. come on! i guess i'll have to start going to lowes.
from ironing to leaping
this all came about in a very awkward meeting i attended this evening. there was supposed to be a wrap up/reflexivity/pre-planning meeting for pub anth. i hung around after class, and showed up in the appropriate place at the appropriate time. so did the vine and the leap. that is all. so here i am with the dept chair and the conference organizer, discussing what went well and not so well. what the hell was i doing there? sure, i helped. i attended. but i didn't attend a single planning meeting. i basically didn't do anything until the night before when i showed up to meet people at the bar. i guess i did put up with mr. book deal.
well, i tried to contribute in the meeting, and ended up with 2 boxes of cookies to take home. but all in all, i'd rather avoid that sort of thing in the future. which is unfortunate, because i like being involved in that sort of thing.
in other news, i officially have 8.25 pages for my 8-10 page paper. i need to do some more editing tomorrow during the day, but i'm feeling fair about it. i think its at least a b. now that i've put that in writing, of course, it will not be true. but i'll complain about that at a later date, when i know for sure. man, i can't wait until 24 hours from now!
16 octubre 2007
lengua, sexualidad, y cuidadania
what really got to me was the comparison with anorexia that was drawn by an "expert." "we need to fix the mind" i believe is the quote.
speaking of sexuality and citizenship, i spoke to my wife tonight. although i think she's my ex wife. or maybe we're polygamous. well "we" meaning "she" because i certainly don't have a new wife.
we talked about nostalgia in class too. in freudian/lacanian terms. perhaps it is the past tense of desire. but i have a more complex relationship with the idea i believe. i've been thinking that i'm always concerned with playing things out. what would have happened. i need to learn to be ok with not knowing. i wouldn't say that i ever really regret. but i long to know. and why? if i'm happy now, why is it important what might have happened. what's important is what did happen. right? does this even make sense? probably not. but that is my new attempt at zen. not worrying about the might/could/should/would. "be here now" i guess.
i say this, of course, as i sit at my desk, staring at a picture of my bilagaanas & howard. & manu. how do you say indian (of the south asian sort) in dine'?
12 octubre 2007
soy una gasfitera
of course, many things have changed since then, and i'm a much more fulfilled person these days, but i was reminded of it today, when i decided to get down on the floor and figure out what the hell was wrong with my kitchen sink. and i fixed it! it took some dismantling of pipes, draining in buckets, a very feces-like smell, plastic gloves (which I conveniently found under the sink), and some draino, but right now, my sink is draining properly, and the gray water chilling in the bottom of the dishwasher is gone! the kitchen still smells a little funny, but hopefully that will dissipate.
last night, i couldn't sleep and ended up moving a bunch of furniture around. so, in celebration of my now mostly-functional kitchen, here's a picture of the new set up. woohoo!

11 octubre 2007
anthropologia y guerra
soy una anthropologa
it started with taking notes on boas and malinowski. later, in class, i was asked which i preferred. i hadn't really considered the question before, but i had to reply malinowski. yes, little ol' boasian department trained me. i'd still consider myself pretty adamantly 3 field (and when my archaeologist friends are particularly engaging, perhaps even 4 field), and i'm in no way durkheimian. but the more i think about it, the more i'm sure. yes, i'd rather read argonauts than race, language, culture. but that's not the extent. perhaps its a product of my embeddedness in exoticism, but there's a certain charisma to malinowski. he's somewhat of an enigma in a way i would argue boas is not. perhaps that's just a product of the diary, but i also like his longterm fieldwork. his interrelatedness. i like the way he defines (or at least uses the term) material conditions. plus he's polish. and who doesn't like a good pole?

i wrote for 4 hours today and only came up with 2 1/2 pages. but i think they're solid. i mean, as solid as they could be considering the topic. which, by the way, is applying durkheimian and weberian theory to this.

i also turned in an application for research funding, and wrote a call for papers today. after class tonight, i ended up talking to the jag and tudy about anthropologists in the military. we were mostly just noting things that we had already discussed yesterday at the roundtable, but i had one of those moments where i realized i had found what i was looking for.
i guess, one of my complaints about the dale was that i was looking for more community. i wanted to sit in the lounge and discuss anthropological notions. i wanted involvement and discourse, not just classes. and certainly i found that with certain people, like my wife and prof. ponger (who i may be co-authoring a paper with, our 300th of course) at times, but it wasn't an overarching theme in my life there. but i already feel in the midst of it here. so, tonight, i'm feeling content.
plus, its officially scarf weather now!
09 octubre 2007
soy sola
but its just now dawning on me that i didn't like working with another person on the discussion today. i'm quite pleased that my ethnography presentation is alone. biij & i didn't get along when we worked together.
i tend to do ok with team sports. and drinking (though i do that alone too) with others. but working on projects is an entirely other situation. who knew? probably a lot of people.....
08 octubre 2007
solo 20 dias...
the kitchen sink is in worse shape. still draining into the dishwasher, which is now draining all over the floor. i went to safeway to get draino (or whatever you use these days), and totally forgot it. i did get some granola bars on sale though. really not much exciting has happened lately. PAD was good, because at least i ate a few meals away from my home and imbibed some alcohol. i probably won't do that again until my birthday.
the phone number acquiring saga continues....if i didn't mention it before, i'm refusing to send out a mass email to replace all those missing numbers, so i'm waiting until people call me. or at least until i really need to call them. its an interesting experiment. bii jih bah called me this evening, so i've got one more in the phone. i think i still have less than 10 though.
i told myself i was going to paint today, and it didn't happen. maybe tomorrow. but probably not. probably not until this essay is done in a week and a half. sigh. its been too long. but at least its given me time to contemplate the project. i think its going to be fairly good, though derivative. oh, nothing will ever replace the couch picture. maybe when i finish this one, i'll do a dinosaur battle painting as a christmas gift (you know who you are--when i eventually give it to you, act surprised)
07 octubre 2007
yes, my original celebrity crush, alton brown. at nine minutes into the show i could care less about the contestants, but ab is looking dapper in his dark suit and white shirt. i just hope at some point he dons a white chef's coat. i don't think that's his style. i suppose because he's not really a "chef," but a food scientist. alas, its probably all for the best. i'm not sure i'd be able to handle it.
in other events, it was a more interesting weekend than most. we had the public anthropology day yesterday, and kicked it off friday night at a U street restaurant/bar. i met a student who's starting in the program next year (she deferred), who i think i like, but can't quite tell. there were also a few prospective students there. all nice. no one spectacular. there was a guy from UT who knows the lazy eyed texan and who has a post-doc at UMD. jen got his numero de telephono, so perhaps we'll see him again. also there was this dude who spoke at the conference, who clearly had a bit of a superiority complex. he's negotiating a book deal...blah blah blah...the daily show refuses to have me on...blah, blah, blah....i got fired, but before i left the building, i had 3 new job offers...blah blah blah. then he gave me his card and said i should call him.
um, no.
the conference itself went well. i was there from 8 am to after 5, and then we all went for mexican food, where for once, i was perfectly positioned at the table. near c howe, next to suzie T, kronner on the other side, and right across from the gill. interesting conversations ensued. and mr. bookdeal was all the way at the other end of the table.
i got home around 9pm, and went directly to bed. and it felt sooo good.
today, i woke up early and wrote a proposal for a grant for the summer. i'm not feeling particularly confident about it, but its good practice if anything. and i was forced to decide on bolivia over peru, and do a little research on it. perhaps a foolish choice, considering my knowledge of peru, but we shall see how it turns out.
but while taking a break today i noticed true life, i'm a coney island side show performer was on. i didn't watch it, but it made me think those dudes that pick up heavy things with chain links pierced through their skin would be an interesting study. or something like that. who knows....
or maybe not.
05 octubre 2007
once a year and worth the wait

but its been making me crave those sweet, life affirming vegetarian corn dogs at the veggie table.
and marc hansen's got my back. now, i'm not one to ignore the genderist implications here. yes, i find it a bit chauvenistic. but listen, corn dogs are erotic no matter who's eating them. i've watched big bro K devour one, and its not a pleasant sight. but perhaps i'm reproducing the male gaze. though i don't really want to watch the fairest of 15 year old, tight jean wearing, horse showing, bleached haired iowa chicks eat one either.
in the end, its probably best that the contest will be shut down. but for the wrong reasons. i'm sure it will ended because the fair represents "family fun" (now here's a sexuality and citizenship project!) and somehow families and overt sexuality are not compatible (sort of the opposite of the french case-see Provencher, forthcoming). When really I see the problem as one of equality.Men are (self-)excluded. Vegetarians as of now are excluded. Those that adhere to pork dietary restrictions, and perhaps kosher-keepers are excluded. And really, I think by featuring people of all sexualities and genders (and I'm pretty sure a good representation can already be found strolling through the Varied Industries building), we destigmatize sexuality, and all have some good clean fair fun.
besides, we all know what the first rule of the fair is, and the fair board is threatening to break it.
04 octubre 2007
t’áá hwó’ ají téego
now if they can just get the koolade out of city market and make taco bell "run for the border," as howard would say.
(i enjoy the leisure life at spider rock campground)
02 octubre 2007
uranium en el Peru
that strange sickness associated with the "meteorite" crash in Peru is now explained. It had nothing to do with zombies or aliens (as some were hoping). Nope, just good ol' US military power.
Well, that's a relief!
01 octubre 2007
tiendas, té, y telefonos
off to verizon tomorrow, i thought. and this morning i headed to chevy chase to my nearest verizon store. there i got a lovely new motorola phone, which sort of looks like a razor, only black and thicker. well, really its thinner, but deeper, if that makes sense. anyway, it seems to work just fine (and infinitely better than the dead one). but of course since no one can get the old phone to turn on, i've lots all my numbers. so if you are sad i haven't called you back or something, its probably because your number has now been lost to the evil hand of technology. best way to exact revenge is to use technology to give me your number again. but enough of that...on with the story!
my plan was to go to verizon, then to my local (not-so-social) safeway for some grocery items. but as i left verizon, i noticed trader joe's across the street. for years i have heard of the wonders of trader joe's. i've never stepped foot inside one though. until today. and i, quite honestly, was a little disappointed. maybe i'm just cheap, but i expected better deals. the only cheapness i was amazed at was the veggie burgers. $2.69 is damn good. but the selection was lousey. in the end i decided on fake chicken nuggets and mcribbs. roll your eyes, yes, but back when i was a meat eater nothing excited me more than the McLean McDonalds advertising that the "McRibb is Back!" I was even known to eat them on the way to track meets. Hm. No wonder I could never keep up with Heidi Knapp. Anyway, again, back to the story. Most disappointingly, there was no cheap wine! Isn't that the whole point of Trader Joe's? In the end I got a lovely selection of things that Safeway does not carry. Maté, quinoa, tempeh, organic veggie soups, organic rasins, white cheddar mac & cheese, etc. But I don't think I'll be going back. It seemed just like whole foods, only with about 10% of the selection. I'll stick to safeway for now, perhaps with periodic wholefoods runs for those crazy grains i like so much.
goodies from joe's
Trader Joe's on the other hand did add quite a bit to my internal fieldnotes contributing to an ethnography of grocery stores. I guess i first thought of food stores as anthropological sites, back in the rez days. i was always so intrigued by city market. the giant bags of blue corn flour, and raw wool, stacked next to rows and rows of koolaid. the new york post cards. my beloved salad bar. it was an amazing place. contrasting your average rural supermarket with a Dominick's in Chicago, Shoprite in New York, or Safeway in DC is pretty fascinating. Not to mention throwing in a C town town. In the end Trader Joe's ranks somewhere between whole foods and A&P, but it definitely has a granola appeal the others don't. Sure wholefoods seems to be aimed at the same crowd, but I'd argue they're catering more toward the post-granola yuppie bunch that now votes with their checkbooks rather than making their voices heard in the streets. But that's just an initial impression.
I thought of Andy today too, and the mental schema of grocery stores that we expect. I clearly had problems today. I missed the baskets as I walked in, and took one from a stack behind a checkout. the checker gave me a strange look. not stern, a little confused, but more of a "why the hell are you doing that?" sort of thing. I wandered around, back to front basically (produce last), and couldn't find what i was looking for. I basically went through the store 3 times before i was satisfied with my choices. i got up to the counter (with the same checker), and placed my basket to be rung up. i put my small tote-bag-ish purse on the counter to take out my wallet, and he just left all the food on the counter. did he think i was going to fit it all in that bag? i do like the idea they assume you'll bring your own bag. not even wholefoods does that (at least around here). i could see plastic bags hanging behind him. we had a bit of a stand off. i eventually put a few things in my tote bag, before he reached around the side and pulled out a paper bag. ah! there they are. so now i know. if only there were going to be a "next time."29 setiembre 2007
fin de semana
then i noticed hollywood video was closing and bought 4 dvds.
then i read some durkheim.then i got my stipend check.
then a bunch of us went to heritage india. good times. the first picture of me in dc was taken.

today was less exciting, with the bank telling me my check wouldn't be avaliable for 5 business days, and plenty more durkheiming. but i'm done now! at least until i have to write about him. but that's a good 5 days away. i also cleaned my kitchen today and did some cabinet rearranging. it was much needed. oh, how i love method.
to end the day, i watched volver, finally, and it was pretty wonderful. i want to watch it with my mom & lou. speaking of which, its mamaH's birthday today. which means mine is less than a month away. i think i'm going to buy myself a pair of nice jeans for the occasion. its probably time to start a search. away we go....
27 setiembre 2007
el peru y escuela
now, on to the good stuff. its officially been a month of school, and i thought i'd do some follow up impressions. the jag, otto & perhaps delf are becoming friends. though things started slowly, i think the department is solidifying a bit. i even feel comfortable with aud, e.e., the gill, and d-vra. i never see el peruano, but when i do (like yesterday) we have nice friendly, short conversations. i even think i might like the frat boy more than i thought.
aside from that, i'm vp of the gsc, working on a spring conference, and generally feeling less stupid and more smart. though i often have moments....
all in all things are good, and there's an "executive meeting" planned for tomorrow night.
20 setiembre 2007
amig@s de classe
c howe class was fine. nothing much to report as i told gill after he asked me what he missed. and i got the camera finally. the battery chargers were no where to be found, but gill brought me the one from his camera today, so crisis averted. and i finished my copyediting. it felt like being back at nyrb. except no borden. and a much crappier computer (mine).
class tonight was pretty enjoyable. d'kone seemed to think we were all pretty anti-weberian, but i'm a fan of ol' darth. but then again, i'm in a class of a bunch of people who do gentrification, esl, education, and tourism stuff. i guess i should expect a marxian leaning. i tried to defend his interpretive efforts as best i could.
and tomorrow i go to the field. well not the real field. but a field no less. jc, 7s, blondies. all excellent field locations. i know how to pick them i guess. i'm still not packed though. better get on top of that.
17 setiembre 2007

i've always been a big fan of oatmeal
especially the peaches & creme variety
vanilla yogurt & blueberries...
i never really liked those little blue guys (its the texture)
but i guess they're alright
black bean burrito with tomato salsa, spinach & cheddar cheese (plus lemonade)
quite possibly the greatest meal ever
so, i'm not sure how long this will last. probably until i go to the grocery store next (which won't be until the end of the week when i finally get PAID!). but its food i like and apparently its good for me (not that it comes as any shock). i'm just not sure how many ways i can eat black beans and salsa before getting tired of them. i might try to eat each thing 3 or 4 times a week. it seems more do-able. with room for other things in there too. too bad potatoes aren't on the list. i could eat them every meal, every day, and every time a different way. that should be a poem.
15 setiembre 2007
lentes y bigotes

alas, it wasn't meant to be. instead i read some darth weber, watched 3 eppisodes of what not to wear, and finished the evening off with alton and a glass of smoking loon pinot noir.
and now, as usual, i can't sleep. i'm contemplating doing some more copy editing for c howe, but i'm much more interested in reading blogs apparently. and i have to get up early tomorrow.
13 setiembre 2007
i was looking at old marky marx notes from the dale, and noticed the way i drew arrows was different back then. later in the notes from that semester i had begun drawing them they way i do now, and suddenly i remembered, zig draws them this way. he always sat next to me in johnny mac's class, and convinced me that his way was superior. as i think back, i'm not totally convinced now. aesthetically, i like the old way better.
but i think i'm stuck. its natural now. like a maussian technique of the body. those arrows, that time of my life, that history will be a part of me forever. and in a way that makes me really happy. even if i never speak to zig again, or any of the anthropology nouveauers again (which is unlikely, thankfully), i hope that someday, one of them will look at something random and realize what a role i played in the changing of that one small thing.
oy, german ideology is getting to me.
11 setiembre 2007
puedes llamarme cheney
and i like the other people i'm working with, at least in the dept. we've got e.e. as president, the jag, otto, tudy (that's a contraction for ted-judy), and a few other people who seem nice. the "meeting" we had to "elect" each other was actually really full of laughter, and enjoyable.
i watched jarhead last night. i don't think i'm going to use it for my paper, but it was fairly entertaining, and i took notes, so if i want to use it later, i guess i can.
i have a lot of thoughts on straightness (versus straightness), and the queering of heterosexuality, and stuff, but i'm not in the mood to write it all out. perhaps later. perhaps
09 setiembre 2007
no los tenian hambre
its times like this i need a little pick me up
ah, the glory days...
08 setiembre 2007
be a woman. be a fan.
it was clearly marketed exactly to me.
the commercial ends with the postscript: "be a woman. be a fan."
so, of course i immediately went to http://www.reebok.com/ to check out the collection. i was pleased to see that in addition to the skimpy tank tops, there were jerseys, yoga pants, jackets, hoodies, even sandals (though they only came in pink and gray). so, i'm left pondering, what exactly does this mean?
clearly it parallels (or parodies) male interaction. but i'm a little put off by it. certainly the recognition that women do watch nfl, and are a key demographic/money-holding consumers, is overdue. but the portrayal on the commercial was offputting. and in theory, i do like the slogan. yes, one can be a woman (not chick, not girl, not lady, but strong confident, but at times feminine, if that suits you) and enjoy watching football. i'm all for that. but the visuals of the commercial indicate something far different. its ok to watch football as long as you're still cute, still feminine, sexualized, and maintaining what are considered female relationships. while on one hand i would be equally as critical if woman 1 had accepted the jets fan similarly to women 2 and 3, it also seems to reinfoce the cultural notion that women, are petty, catty, and don't get along (as exemplified in oh, so many seasons of the apprentice and many other reality shows as of late).
so, in short, i'm glad reebok finally wisened up and started marketing to women, even if i don't agree with the way they're continuing to relegate women's fandom to a purely "female" realm (and objectify/sexualize in the meantime). but don't fret. you won't catch me wearing this next sunday.

i also watched tim gunn's guide to style last night (after 2 episodes of the shockingly similar what not to wear, clearly exposing is derrivitave form), and enjoyed that tim made it simple with a list of 10 things every woman should own.

my closet
surprisingly, i actually own most of them, in one form or another. i'm sure if the gunn came to my closet (conveniently located in my living room), he would judge most or all of them inappropriate, ill fitting, ill constructed, or unflattering, but i'm proud to know that i at least have some sense of what one should be wearing. really, the only thing i don't own is a cashmere sweater (though i do own a few cheaper sorts), and perhaps a "sweatsuit alternative." though i'm not really sure what qualifies and what does not. i imagine my yoga pants and zippered fleece outfit may be an alternative to a sweatsuit, but not quite within the bounds of tim's constraints.
07 setiembre 2007
i also went to the preliminary session for the greenberg lectures today, which is supposed to teach me how to teach. funny thing is, i keep thinking about how this is basically what my dad does, and i never really thought of his work as connected to mine. i can even get a stipend for going to an education related conference, which would be pretty awesome. meet the 'ol dad at a conference and not mooch! unheard of! or if i actually have something to present at an anthro conference i could use it for that. though i don't really anticipate that happening any time soon...perhaps next year.
i've read ridiculously little this week, so i'm forcing myself to stay in all weekend and get some work done. k tu invited everyone to some club tomorrow night, and if jag and the mister go, i might, but likely i'll get myself a six pack, get platoon from the library, and give it a first go. whoo!
06 setiembre 2007
no bueno
but somehow i'm scoffing at all of them.
i've got a conference call at 3, group meeting at 7, and class from 8-11. ugh. but then my week is over (& on to a weekend of reading. at least its not marx!)
05 setiembre 2007
never trust an archaeologist
but that's beside the point.
i was worried c howe was pissed over the copyright situation, but it seemed fine when i talked to her. she also approved of my "hanging out" as participant observation, so a ny/nj visit is planned for sometime soon. class, otherwise, was disappointing. all these wonderful monographs. malinowski, geertz, rosaldo (even mead i can enjoy). but the discussion fell flat. first i had to endure a 30 minute "history of anthropology" lesson, in which i drew pictures of armchairs and elephants. then on to the meat (lentils)! but the class is too full of International Service people and undergrads, and I feel selfconscious dominating the conversation. i kept wanting to say things about reflexive anthropology, the crisis of representation, ortner, chagnon & neel, practice theory, writing culture, but it just didn't work. we were even forced to endure a peer-created activity in which we watched a clip of a "friends" episode and reply to it as a "classic anthropologist" and a post-interpretive-paradigm (post-cadillac?) anthropologist. c. was in my group and i made a good point about reflexivity, but it wasn't repeated to the full group. fair enough.
now i'm home, working on this damn dv project. it should be done by friday, and i'll be relieved. i'm watching top chef and eating a little chic pea salad. and its miraculously good considering the contents of my fridge were chic peas, salad dressing, feta, and yogurt. an inspired combination, perhaps.
04 setiembre 2007
i went to best buy and then cvs looking for printer ink, but apparently hp74 is a hard one to find. i've been on the quest for a week. at this point its time to order online. i also talked to lou, who seems to be having an amazing time.
eventually i went to class, and was worried about class discussion, but somehow...we started talking about the butter cow. we were discussing citizenship as lived experience, and a guy in the class, who is a hip-hop dance teacher was talking about the subjectivity of dance and "the good citizen" vis a vis ballet as "high art" versus hip hop as "low art." Ah, my entry! i though. so i suggested that depending on place and class, sometimes what is perceived by outsiders as "low art" can by symbolic of citizenship. its sense of tradition, belonging and place make it a good candidate, at least for a liberal interpretation of citizenship, and i think, especially in iowa, the idea of the fair as a political place, in which presidential candidates are pretty much required to appear, makes the whole space somewhat politicized, and connected to citizenship. and, no, i wasn't ranting. and people kept bringing it up again. and they want to see pictures!
and then class ended with us all crowding around a little macbook to watch this:
03 setiembre 2007
tengo una sofá
sunday was swell, with a visit from K. we went to ikea where i purchased a couch. i think its the most expensive thing i have ever debited (rather than credited), which is probably sort of sad, but was pretty exciting at the time. there was much debate over what color (slipcover) to get. the patterns were too crazy and distracting, the colors were either too bright or too beige. i wanted something light, since the apartment's sort of dark anyway, so eventually i went with teh white. i suppose time will tell how it will work out. but i'll definitely have to impose the no red foods rule on myself.

today i did quite a bit of work for both cic & c howe, but of course no work for school. i should probably read some of argonauts of the western pacific before bed though...
un ver nuevo
i guess the best explanation is, i was bored (meaning, i was procrastinating).
and i got rid of the whole lima time thing. don't worry. i'm still on lima time, mentally, but you know...
i suppose that's all i have to say for now. mas, muy pronto
02 setiembre 2007
comidas y mas
i was again invited by bij and the lebanese to dinner. also invited were mr. beirut's roommate, and (mr. beirut-too), and the third, young beirutee woman. the troops assembled, and we set to work making delicious cilantro chicken (black bean for me) tacos, with homemade guac, pico de gallo, and fresh corn tortillas. when that project was well on its way, ms. beirut (soon to be dr. beirut) and i set upon the task of dessert. peach and blueberry cobbler. it was easy enough, but such an adult dinner, eventually consumed on beirut-too's "heirloom" table.

so the food was delicious, and made with "the luv" as fireboy would say. but the conversation with these people, half of whom i met tonight, was rather inspired. it ranged from mescaline cacti & hallucinogenic mushrooms, to the lebanese war and the insecurities (incompetencies?) of doctors. there were no outrageous moments, but the whole evening seemed to sparkle. and i realized, i guess this was what i was always searching for in new york. that semi-adult life where you are still too poor to reasonably eat out nightly, but wealthy enough (in one way or another) to enjoy a fine meal (and beverages) with friends who are truly interesting and enlightening.
not to say that new york was completely absent of this for me. but it came in spurts. pizza making here, a long walk there. absolutely, i have wonderful friends there who are truly interesting and enlightening, but somehow the circumstances rarely led to those magical nights. maybe its economics, or transportation, or lack of a suitable venue. who knows. i'm just glad i found it here, even if its fleeting.
31 agosto 2007
piedras nuevas
now her rocks match my big green rug, which is still shoved in a closet. one of these days i'll either put it in the living room or my bedroom. it all depends on other slow-moving decorating decisions. but my big plan for the weekend (other than reading more Marky Marx) is to buy a couch. yes, the ikea couch everyone owns, but i think its about all will fit through the doorway and stairs to this place. and its cheap.
alright...back to the marxercising.
that's the way....
[side note: i think that's the first time i've ever used "props" in that sense, and i'm a little embarassed, but i'll let it stand]
sure, missing my yearly iowa trip (and therefore, missing my yearly veggie corn dog) has left me with a soft spot, but iowa is shooting up to the top of my list of favorite states. at least until november 3.
"i'll tell you what's great:
the hawkeye state
of I-O-WA!"
30 agosto 2007
on not leaping to conclusions
29 agosto 2007
viva los grabowskis!
in other anthropologically related news, i got to return $168 worth of books today. woohooo! of course tomorrow i'm going to have to make another big book purchase, but it shouldn't be quite as substantial. which means i'm closer to totally convincing myself its time to buy a couch this weekend. which means i'll have a place to read other than my bed. which means i might not sleep so much, and actually finish reading things.....ah, its a vicious circle of books, money, and sleep.....
27 agosto 2007
muchos libros
i also went on a library tour, where i ran into el peruano. the library is tiny! but in a way that means its easier to navigate than the spaceship, and its not under construction like morris. it seems that you have to rely pretty heavily on the consortium, but hopefully that will work out. plus, in the days of online journals, you can do a lot without paper at all, really. i also found out that there are 2 computers with final cut on them, which is handy to know. and dvds can actually be checked out of the library. so once i actually own a dvd player, that will be just lovely.
i had lunch at guapo's with the wolf's namesake, which was nice. yay! friends! i'm gearing up for my first class and meeting with my advisor tomorrow. scary, but exciting, i suppose.
26 agosto 2007
la nell nueva
i was actually doing a good job of starting conversations with people on friday at orientation, then last night, i made my big move and went to the party alone! and it was great!
it was a small party, with around 10 guests, so it turned out that everyone was basically in one big conversation. which was great, because it was less pressure on me, but i still felt involved. and i met two other people working on "body" stuff. lots of people i think i'll get along with really well.
plus there are a few 1st year people i have high hopes for. i think after visiting carbondale this summer i was really anxious about how the friendship component would turn out. i realized there that mags, kim, tami, jerry, zig, frank, yukitec, etc really were a great crew and how much i really do miss them. which then made me too quick to judge others. i think its all going to work out.
now my major stress is the leap's class. some of the people at the party made me a little worried. mostly because i totally don't get the althussier. i've got time to re-read though. and hopefully no judgements will be made too early into the semester. ah!
24 agosto 2007
el dia primero
-c. how looks like heather graham
-the leap is as awesome as i remember
-i am quite glad to have made the acquaintance of the vine
-the 1st year students were less than enthralling, but will make adequate friends
(perhaps, some day i'll be good friends with them, and give them the address to my blog, and they will read back-posts, and hopefully won't be offended-because its not a bad thing. just that none of them strike me as my new best friend. no new wives here).
the last few days i've been trying to remember what i was feeling those first days in carbondale.
so, in case i have similar memory problems of my first thoughts here, i will briefly describe the people and my impressions.
-fratty boy with MA from UMD, does some sort of gentrification stuff ("perhaps in latin america")
-peruvian guy who will likely fill the void left by mr. s espinosa, batres, y rodriguez. not as outgoing as the 3 of them, but not as creepy as c-los. and probably the only good conversation i had today. he studies indigenous development in the peruvian rainforest.
-quiet bio girl who studies "the effects of culture on the skeleton"
-former military guy who studies gentrification. he is the subject of the most exciting thing that happened today.
-older woman getting a MAPA studying similar gentrification issues. she is aunt judy's cool doppleganger.
-older (than me) phd guy who's interests i don't remember, but he may have talked me into being his vice president of the CAS grad student council.
-married woman with specs appeal and an MA from Temple who studies tourism
-MAPA girl from florida who seems like someone i would have been good friends with in high school
-young guy who's mom does some sort of massive international public health something. after hearing he lived on the rez for a while, i wanted to talk to him, but after hearing him talk more i was less convinced of this fact
-another woman who's interests i don't recall, but i do remember that she, like most othrers, does US work.
-a young mother who has "good stories" and souvenirs from Zimbabwe, with a Masters in Ed, who is working on public school issues
-Youngish girl from Oregon doing ESL issues, who reminds me of Ra.Lo. vaguely. Someone who i would have known and liked in college, but not necessarily on the inner circle. i'd say she has the most wife potential. but i'm still not convinced.
now, for the most exciting part of the day: we had a little break in between speakers, and it was suggested we stand up and stretch. we complied, and the next thing we knew, one of the guys and fallen to the floor and was having what looked like a ceisure. he got up right away and was confused and didn't know what had happened. emts came and checked him out. he was fine, but it was a little crazy. quite a way to be introduced to a cohort.
anyway, so i'm left contemplating this party tomorrow night. they did seem to go out of their way to invite 1st year students, and i want to meet more people. plus it starts fairly early, so i could do a quick appearance and leave smoothly, most likely, if its awkward. i'm not well-known for my ability to strike up a conversation with strangers, but i figure i can always ask what their specialities (pronounced spe-see-al-i-tees, if you please) are.
22 agosto 2007
google maps failed me
afterwards, i set out for target, but google directions kept telling me to turn the wrong way on one way streets, and take exits that didn't exist. but after about 3 determined hours and 4 trips back & forth between dc & va, i finally found it. its actually quite simple. but more importantly, there is a goodwill next door. so i bought a pair of pant to turn into some lovely bermuda shorts, and an alarmclock. which makes me realize i've done a rather poor job lately of buying used when possible. i do have a lot of used furniture which i am glad about, and in the kitchen i'm generally good at reusing. but i've been a poor consumer with clothing.

at target, i got a good fix for my method addiction and bought 2 pinot noirs. mmmmmm......
mi cocina
the kitchen is the only room i'd consider "done" in any capacity.

the cactus mama H bought me the day i moved into Hobart House

note the beaker magnet on the fridge

i'm pretty sure both of these thai food products were purchased in 2003. so i emptied them and reused. pretty, exotic, and recycled!
15 agosto 2007
mixtec, zapotec, xinka, moche, y aguarana
afterwards, i was a little burnt out so i opened my $7 bottle of wine. it wasn't very good. but i drank about half of it while watching crappy tv. then i made a frozen pizza, which made the kitchen & living room really hot, so i thought about making it ndt, but being alone, that just seemed a little too pathetic. i went to bed far earlier than usual, but still didn't wake up until the usual time this morning.
i was more productive today. i actually took a shower, and i called some au offices to find out about student ids and parking. oh, what an exciting life i lead.
12 agosto 2007
the district

anyway, i seem to be somewhat settled. despite my mattress on the floor and lack of couch, its almost homey feeling. and now there is internet! and i went to target today! and i've been doing art projects!
i have plenty of reading to do though. and ms. E. wants me to work more, which i'm not excited about, but should probably do, especially if i want to actually buy a couch. for now, here is my tv chair
i've been seeing megan a lot. well, not a terrible lot, but more than anyone else. i've been quite the hermit in my little basement apartment, that i'm rather growing in love with.
the whole situation reminds me quite a bit of my first days in the dale. forcing myself to take trips into town for one thing or another. spending hours reading books for free at barnes & noble. unbearable heat. hermit-like activities. molly was a nice distraction from that lifestyle, but megan fills the void better. its hard to have so much free time while knowing you're simply on the cusp of no time whatsoever. but i am rather enjoying it. catching up on bravo!'s programming, doing laundry, arranging and rearranging my furniture, strolling through the internet in search of things i would buy for my apartment if i had more money.
22 julio 2007
we went to mugsy's, and i had lovely talks with frank & dan. yuki was there, and kim too, along with mags-who both noticed two girls in the corner looking at me. we couldn't decide if they were lesbians or just emo girls, but their staring convinced us of the former. we had to take a bathroom trip all together so i could look at them inconspicuously. kim says i could do better. i certainly hope so.
ponger also came and was tellling me about presenting a paper this year at the lavendar languages conference at au. he met bill and i asked if he met e. patrick, which he confirmed, but i also wonder what exactly he means by "met" (sir, i mean ma'am!). --speaking of which i found my birthday card from the anthropology nouveau cohort the other day, and got all sentimental. not that the whole trip wasn't sentimental--after the bar, frank and i went to denny's. i think the only two times i've been to that denny's were with frank. both quite late at night.
saturday, i got up late and went to panera--i said it was a sentimental trip--then watched apocalypto with frank. which, as zach would say, was "less than interesting." then dan came over with his dog, who was adorable, and actually liked me (and she doesn't like the hippie girls matt brings over, apparently). we made food to take to the potluck, and then went to coryn's.
first, we stopped at westside liquors for drinks. i bought a 6 pack, and then realized i had left my wallet in my car. frank paid for me (note: dumbass move #1). as we pulled up in frank's sweet minivan, he said "nobody fall in the ditch! carlo fell in last time we were here." i made some smartass comment about being capapble of getting out of the car.
the potluck was good, mostly. candy was there, along with her husband, who i ended up talking to more than i wanted, but i also got to meet yata tanaka's new boyfriend who was as dorky and strange as described, but nice. quite a few new people who also seemed nice and relatively normal. and coryn was very nice. for an archaeologist.
after a few hours, 2 beers, and some of steve's amazing! pineapple upsidedown cake, we decided to leave to get frank's (after)party started. we took my dip & chips, plus mags's chips & dip. i carried all of it, for some reason. when we walked outside it was about 9:15 and completely dark. apparently, the southwest side of carbondale has a lot in common with evanston when it comes to lighting. as we walked across the yard i said, "ok, now is the time i'll fall in the ditch." frank said "what?" and i started to repeat myself. when i got to the "i'll" i tried to make the step from the yard to the driveway to avert the ditch, but misstepped, and consequently scraped my entire body down the side of the driveway and into the ditch, throwing both bags of chips and all the dip in the air (dumbass move #2).
i had to sit there for a minute, i was laughing so hard. eventually, i got up and we gathered the salvageable remnants of the food. frank had a roll of papertowels in his sweet minivan which i used to sop up blood. i'm so smooth.
eventually we got back and i cleaned up most of the blood. i started on my first boone's farm. mags came shortly afterwards, and brought a few farm products with her too. eventually, quite a crew was there. jessica, a new archaeologist, yuki, mags, and then zach and val came. i was pretty apprehensive about seeing zach, since i never really told him goodbye, and our friendship was sort of in shambles when i left. even though neither of us would have admitted it at the time. but it was really good to see him. he's going to florida for his ph.d. and val's going with him. i guess that's what married people do. weird.
at some point, dan started mixing us mojitos, that got progressively stronger. and then ponger showed up with a strange entourage. but then again, when does he not come with random people in tow. i talked to some guy getting a bio ph.d about the politics of speaking spanish vs. english for a while. and dan was apparently mesmerized by one of ponger's latina lady friends. and i don't mean ladyfriend. at least i don't think anyway.
we stayed up until 4 am, or so, and i ended up sleeping really late on sunday. i basically just got up, made my rounds saying goodbyes, and then drove home. i miss them all a lot. and i've never regretted leaving (especially being there and hearing how often complaints about funding come up), but i wish there was some way i could see them more.