the more things change, the more they stay the same.

i couldn't help but notice the similarity of my living room to the one i had 3 years ago. and i couldn't help but make an ode to what is probably my greatest photographic work (at least in an egotistical sense).
the lighting's not as good, and it took me quite a few tries to get the expression similar to the original. which perhaps is not shocking, but realize that the original was taken on a film camera. i took 2 pictures. no retakes. no testing the lighting to see how it shows up. and i still think they're better. but maybe its the enigma that makes me like them more. maybe its the context, the positionality. the knowledge of what happened before, and especially after those pictures were taken.
the unfortunate part of it all is that i don't even have a reason to get dressed up for halloween this year.
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