sorry to disappoint, but the scandalousness that was aaa will not be recounted further in the blog. i'd like to keep some level of composure here.
but i will recount my last several days. i spent them in the basement of batelle. in the cubes. no sunlight, no cell phone service. just computer screens, florescent light, and lots of anthronerdiness.
one of my strangely favorite memories of the dale was the weekend before finals, that first semester. the crew and i put on our thinking pants, headed to faner, and spent our weekend typing away. no, it wasn't the most pleasant of times, but it did produce a lively dodgeball-esque hissing cheer, and the appendix of alternative titles to my marxist eco-feminist archaeology paper (my favorite still being "Bones, Bitches, and Debitage: A Marxist Ecofeminist Interpretation of Khok Phanom Di") .
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Nell said: i am a part of the department, and really i probably should have just been spending more time in the cubes much earlier, but well, i guess maybe there was a part in me that wanted to remain the mysterious h.c. alas, the mystery is over, but i don't regret it for a moment.
And then Aaron said: Now, Nell, didn't we have a talk about the stresses of la vie academe?
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