i talked to mama H last night, and she was telling me about an article she read that listed 8 things to eat every day. it seems like a decent list and the only thing i really don't like on it is walnuts. i actually went grocery shopping yesterday (before said conversation), so i'm all stocked up, but next time i go food shopping, i'm totally abiding by this list. we'll see how it works out from there, but it seems worthy of a trial.
i also watched tim gunn's guide to style last night (after 2 episodes of the shockingly similar what not to wear, clearly exposing is derrivitave form), and enjoyed that tim made it simple with a list of 10 things every woman should own.
i also watched tim gunn's guide to style last night (after 2 episodes of the shockingly similar what not to wear, clearly exposing is derrivitave form), and enjoyed that tim made it simple with a list of 10 things every woman should own.

my closet
surprisingly, i actually own most of them, in one form or another. i'm sure if the gunn came to my closet (conveniently located in my living room), he would judge most or all of them inappropriate, ill fitting, ill constructed, or unflattering, but i'm proud to know that i at least have some sense of what one should be wearing. really, the only thing i don't own is a cashmere sweater (though i do own a few cheaper sorts), and perhaps a "sweatsuit alternative." though i'm not really sure what qualifies and what does not. i imagine my yoga pants and zippered fleece outfit may be an alternative to a sweatsuit, but not quite within the bounds of tim's constraints.
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