it was a big weekend. i stayed in friday night, but went to the bar to see the nu game on saturday. it was wholly different than the
blondie's experience, but fun in its own way. plus, i heard reports that blondie's was tame, sans becky, and therefore sans purple shots. the 'cats won handily, though they weren't looking in top form which gives me pause. the big deal of the afternoon of course was app st.'s
mountaineers taking the wolverines for a ride. normally, i probably would have derrived a decent amount of glee from this outcome, but since its bij's backyard i had to smile. the game was topped off by some young michigan alum shouting at a former mountaineer who clearly hated sleeves (oh, there's nothing more american...) after dinner at mr. beirut's (as mentioned in a previous post) i finally finished
das kapital. you'd think by that point i'd have no problem falling asleep, but as usual, insomnia hit, so i read
a diary in the strict sense of the term for a while.
sunday was swell, with a visit from K. we went to ikea where i purchased a couch. i think its the most expensive thing i have ever debited (rather than credited), which is probably sort of sad, but was pretty exciting at the time. there was much debate over what color (slipcover) to get. the patterns were too crazy and distracting, the colors were either too bright or too beige. i wanted something light, since the apartment's sort of dark anyway, so eventually i went with teh white. i suppose time will tell how it will work out. but i'll definitely have to impose the no red foods rule on myself.

sunday evening we saw superbad, then eventually went to rock bottom for some food. of course the chicken was not taken off my pizza as requested, but i suppose a little meat juice is good for the soul every once in a while. unfortunately, the onion rings were cold. we came back and watched some tv before passing out on the couch (yup, it passed test #1).
today i did quite a bit of work for both cic & c howe, but of course no work for school. i should probably read some of
argonauts of the western pacific before bed though...
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