16 octubre 2007

lengua, sexualidad, y cuidadania

on my way to class tonight, i caught part of an npr story on a transgender woman who claimed her gender reassignment surgery as a tax deduction and the irs is denying the deduction.

what really got to me was the comparison with anorexia that was drawn by an "expert." "we need to fix the mind" i believe is the quote.


speaking of sexuality and citizenship, i spoke to my wife tonight. although i think she's my ex wife. or maybe we're polygamous. well "we" meaning "she" because i certainly don't have a new wife.

we talked about nostalgia in class too. in freudian/lacanian terms. perhaps it is the past tense of desire. but i have a more complex relationship with the idea i believe. i've been thinking that i'm always concerned with playing things out. what would have happened. i need to learn to be ok with not knowing. i wouldn't say that i ever really regret. but i long to know. and why? if i'm happy now, why is it important what might have happened. what's important is what did happen. right? does this even make sense? probably not. but that is my new attempt at zen. not worrying about the might/could/should/would. "be here now" i guess.

i say this, of course, as i sit at my desk, staring at a picture of my bilagaanas & howard. & manu. how do you say indian (of the south asian sort) in dine'?

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