anyway, i seem to be somewhat settled. despite my mattress on the floor and lack of couch, its almost homey feeling. and now there is internet! and i went to target today! and i've been doing art projects!
i have plenty of reading to do though. and ms. E. wants me to work more, which i'm not excited about, but should probably do, especially if i want to actually buy a couch. for now, here is my tv chair
i've been seeing megan a lot. well, not a terrible lot, but more than anyone else. i've been quite the hermit in my little basement apartment, that i'm rather growing in love with.
the whole situation reminds me quite a bit of my first days in the dale. forcing myself to take trips into town for one thing or another. spending hours reading books for free at barnes & noble. unbearable heat. hermit-like activities. molly was a nice distraction from that lifestyle, but megan fills the void better. its hard to have so much free time while knowing you're simply on the cusp of no time whatsoever. but i am rather enjoying it. catching up on bravo!'s programming, doing laundry, arranging and rearranging my furniture, strolling through the internet in search of things i would buy for my apartment if i had more money.
4 comentarios:
deutschland doesn't exist
Who is the R___?
Did I say something about "the R____"? I'm confused.
I heard he's a funny guy
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