12 octubre 2007

soy una gasfitera

last thanksgiving, i found myself at pit row with papa H. this is not a surprising occurance, nor is the fact that i saw a number of old classmates there. one, who happened to be my homecoming date sophormore year (we'll see if anyone reads this that's known me that long), told me he had just passed his plumber's licensing exam. it depressed me a little, realizing that here i was employee of the illustrious New York Review of Books, making probably half of what he was making. now c.m. was always a smart kid, and i hope the best for him. but still, one likes to think that they go off to the big city, get a swell (sounding) job, and then they get to come back and brag to their old classmates about what fun they're having. or something like that. but instead, i was just depressed.

of course, many things have changed since then, and i'm a much more fulfilled person these days, but i was reminded of it today, when i decided to get down on the floor and figure out what the hell was wrong with my kitchen sink. and i fixed it! it took some dismantling of pipes, draining in buckets, a very feces-like smell, plastic gloves (which I conveniently found under the sink), and some draino, but right now, my sink is draining properly, and the gray water chilling in the bottom of the dishwasher is gone! the kitchen still smells a little funny, but hopefully that will dissipate.

last night, i couldn't sleep and ended up moving a bunch of furniture around. so, in celebration of my now mostly-functional kitchen, here's a picture of the new set up. woohoo!

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Sweet retro dining!