08 octubre 2007

solo 20 dias...

i did a disappointing amount of work today, but i did get some RA research done, so that was productive.
the kitchen sink is in worse shape. still draining into the dishwasher, which is now draining all over the floor. i went to safeway to get draino (or whatever you use these days), and totally forgot it. i did get some granola bars on sale though. really not much exciting has happened lately. PAD was good, because at least i ate a few meals away from my home and imbibed some alcohol. i probably won't do that again until my birthday.

the phone number acquiring saga continues....if i didn't mention it before, i'm refusing to send out a mass email to replace all those missing numbers, so i'm waiting until people call me. or at least until i really need to call them. its an interesting experiment. bii jih bah called me this evening, so i've got one more in the phone. i think i still have less than 10 though.

i told myself i was going to paint today, and it didn't happen. maybe tomorrow. but probably not. probably not until this essay is done in a week and a half. sigh. its been too long. but at least its given me time to contemplate the project. i think its going to be fairly good, though derivative. oh, nothing will ever replace the couch picture. maybe when i finish this one, i'll do a dinosaur battle painting as a christmas gift (you know who you are--when i eventually give it to you, act surprised)

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