23 octubre 2007


i had a weird dream this afternoon (when i was supposed to be reading).
i was talking to the leap in an office, which seemed to be more like a storage closet under a set of stairs. then johnny c., of hey hi '98 fame, asked me if i wanted to get lunch. he just sort of barged in to the office. and was wearing an argyle sweater. but his hair was still all spikey. i told him i couldn't, and then the leap asked if he was my high school boyfriend. i said no, and explained the politics of our non existant relationship. basically, that i was (am) a nerd.

that's about all there was to it, but its just so weird. what the hell is he doing in my dreams? what could have brought this on? and really, if i'm going to dream about being asked out to lunch by some hey hi alumn, couldn't it at least be a cute one like ar or mn or hb?

speaking of which...the fox sent me a text message this weekend. the stars must be aligned for some sort of heyworthian cosmic connection or something. weird.

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