yes, my original celebrity crush, alton brown. at nine minutes into the show i could care less about the contestants, but ab is looking dapper in his dark suit and white shirt. i just hope at some point he dons a white chef's coat. i don't think that's his style. i suppose because he's not really a "chef," but a food scientist. alas, its probably all for the best. i'm not sure i'd be able to handle it.
in other events, it was a more interesting weekend than most. we had the public anthropology day yesterday, and kicked it off friday night at a U street restaurant/bar. i met a student who's starting in the program next year (she deferred), who i think i like, but can't quite tell. there were also a few prospective students there. all nice. no one spectacular. there was a guy from UT who knows the lazy eyed texan and who has a post-doc at UMD. jen got his numero de telephono, so perhaps we'll see him again. also there was this dude who spoke at the conference, who clearly had a bit of a superiority complex. he's negotiating a book deal...blah blah blah...the daily show refuses to have me on...blah, blah, blah....i got fired, but before i left the building, i had 3 new job offers...blah blah blah. then he gave me his card and said i should call him.
um, no.
the conference itself went well. i was there from 8 am to after 5, and then we all went for mexican food, where for once, i was perfectly positioned at the table. near c howe, next to suzie T, kronner on the other side, and right across from the gill. interesting conversations ensued. and mr. bookdeal was all the way at the other end of the table.
i got home around 9pm, and went directly to bed. and it felt sooo good.
today, i woke up early and wrote a proposal for a grant for the summer. i'm not feeling particularly confident about it, but its good practice if anything. and i was forced to decide on bolivia over peru, and do a little research on it. perhaps a foolish choice, considering my knowledge of peru, but we shall see how it turns out.
but while taking a break today i noticed true life, i'm a coney island side show performer was on. i didn't watch it, but it made me think those dudes that pick up heavy things with chain links pierced through their skin would be an interesting study. or something like that. who knows....

or maybe not.
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