31 agosto 2007

that's the way....

we all know i have a deep love for all things iowan (except football, of course). well, those hawkeyes outdid themselves now! they've finally (though, before the rest of us) wisened up and made good on their constitution's guarentee of equal treatment. who knows how long it will stand, but for now, i've gotta give them props.

[side note: i think that's the first time i've ever used "props" in that sense, and i'm a little embarassed, but i'll let it stand]

sure, missing my yearly iowa trip (and therefore, missing my yearly veggie corn dog) has left me with a soft spot, but iowa is shooting up to the top of my list of favorite states. at least until november 3.

"i'll tell you what's great:
the hawkeye state
of I-O-WA!"

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