27 agosto 2007

muchos libros

i bought some books today. over $200 worth. most of them seem pretty good. most that is. included in the lot were some darth weber, durkheim diggler, and marky marx. which aren't necessarily my favorites, but aren't as bad as say, bourdon't. or giddy giddens. anyhow, in the mix is some mary douglas, abu-lughod, and my personal favorite, a book called g-strings and sympathy, among a few others.

i also went on a library tour, where i ran into el peruano. the library is tiny! but in a way that means its easier to navigate than the spaceship, and its not under construction like morris. it seems that you have to rely pretty heavily on the consortium, but hopefully that will work out. plus, in the days of online journals, you can do a lot without paper at all, really. i also found out that there are 2 computers with final cut on them, which is handy to know. and dvds can actually be checked out of the library. so once i actually own a dvd player, that will be just lovely.

i had lunch at guapo's with the wolf's namesake, which was nice. yay! friends! i'm gearing up for my first class and meeting with my advisor tomorrow. scary, but exciting, i suppose.

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