15 agosto 2007

mixtec, zapotec, xinka, moche, y aguarana

i worked all day yesterday writing little reports on the above mentioned indigenous groups. plus i did a long summary of santeria. i wish my job had involved more of this while i was actually working full time.

afterwards, i was a little burnt out so i opened my $7 bottle of wine. it wasn't very good. but i drank about half of it while watching crappy tv. then i made a frozen pizza, which made the kitchen & living room really hot, so i thought about making it ndt, but being alone, that just seemed a little too pathetic. i went to bed far earlier than usual, but still didn't wake up until the usual time this morning.

i was more productive today. i actually took a shower, and i called some au offices to find out about student ids and parking. oh, what an exciting life i lead.

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