03 noviembre 2008


i watched jesus camp tonight. which was a bad idea. (i'm not going to give a full recap, but there's interesting commentary here)

but first, the bright side. i noted during the credits that both directors, both producers, and both DPs were women. Assuming these people are normatively named, that's quite a feat. and that, in itself is a little depressing. what does it say about the state of affairs in film that i watch a fairly low budget doc, though well-distributed, and get excited that these 6 positions are filled by women?

but on to the real scary part. i think my timing in watching the film was a bit masochistic. Pastor Ted Haggard, President of the National Association of Evangelicals, representative of 30 million people, and advisor to President Bush said "Its an awful lot of people and we're growing...its got enough growth to essentially sway every election. if the evangelicals vote, they determine the election." Now, of course, I'm not taking ol' Haggard at his word, but it does give one pause. And I'm not about to write off the 2000 election as a time when the hidden masses of evangelicals made their voices heard, or even error. But it makes me question my faith in democracy in some ways (different ways from when i question whether one could really call the U.S. a democracy). Do I believe in a system in which a majority, no matter how oppressive or poorly guided their principles are allowed to make decisions for all, simply based on numbers (a la Hamas)? I suppose the one thing that Youth Pastor Becky Fischer and I agree on is "I think that Democracy is the greatest political system on earth but that's the problem. It's earth." Of course, she goes on to say, "It is ultimately designed to destroy itself because we have to give everyone equal freedom and ultimately that is going to destroy us." which I wouldn't really agree with.

This all of course reminds me of tanasha reemer. I wonder how she's doing, whether she and her husband and children ever made it to Africa to spread the word. Oh, excuse me...the Word. I wonder how her family is, and I hope they are all well. But moving back to the democracy issue, I truly hope they don't vote on Tuesday. And I hope that JeFF and Brewski don't vote on Tuesday. And those guys from Florida who lived in my hall sophomore year (2000). And for me that's scary. Because I believe so firmly that we should all have a say, but I guess deep down I'm a hypocrite. I only want the people who think like me to really be enfranchised. Maybe I should just go find a commune of like-minded people and cut myself off from the outside world.

Well, if there is a god, i hope that god is a sensible one and uses their godly powers to shape positive change in the world, because as i've mentioned before, its so screwed up i'm pretty sure only some supernatural power could make much progress.

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