08 enero 2008

mis propositos

well, its that time of year, and i've made a few resolutions. i'm going to try to be a wiser consumer. buying more second hand. buying more local food. that sort of thing. i also want to pay more attention to what i'm putting in my body, and get back in the yoga habit. finally, i've been realizing i never really listen to music any more. so i resolve to listen to music rather than watch tv, at least some times.

i'm back in dc and feeling very different than i was at home. i feel less needy. more just here. not necessarily in a good or bad way, but the things i was so preoccupied with in heytown are less affecctive here. though in some ways things still pull at me, but i think i'm learning to live with the questions. or maybe i'm just in a funk today.

i've read some stuff for next semester, and am quite pleased that the other things i'm supposed to have read i read last semester. i'll look at them again before monday, but for now i feel sort of caught up. though i think i'll try to make more of a dent in my butler book or the maya healing. and i still need to do more research on dv in bolivia. but its only 6pm, and i don't really have a plan for the evening. other than that there is crap all over my place that needs to be put away. sigh.....

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