finally, today, i met up with the dr. and went to the University. my Spanish failed me, as usual, but it was pretty helpful. i got some good information, and writing articles was even mentioned. perhaps pre-maturely. anyway, looks to work out well.
also Irish & I went to a dance class. salsa. good times. stupid young kid from jersey, who i tried to make jersey conversation with, but he blew me off as if i didn't know what i was talking about. he was talking big about how he´d already traveled around peru, he was just here, this time to learn spanish. then he said he had lots of quinces to go to. then his dad picked him up. stupid kid.
there was also a german girl who had been traveling in south america since february. and i ask myself, ¿who are these people? how does one have the time/money to travel for a year. mostly the money i guess. i know what the answer is. i have friends who do it. but i have loans to pay off and credit cards that need payments, and well, i know have a grand total of about $900 in savings (and that's only because my last paycheck hadn't come by the time i left the US). i guess though, i'm glad to know that, at least for some people, there is an escape from the system. and god, i'm lucky to even be doing this for 5 weeks. i just wish i was one of the luckiest that could do it for a year. maybe if i wasn't paying rent in the goddamn most expensive place on earth...well, next to tokyo i guess.
anyway, i was also thinking about the rez tonight, and how i'm never sure i'll find a place that has that magic for me. or maybe i just haven't given this place enough time. or maybe it was just the vodka. and the bilagaana clan. so, here's a shoutout to all my mailmen. i miss you. and maybe next year...the rez.
ok, enough nostalgic waxing. today was good both for morale and research. Peru!
for now, dinner.
also Irish & I went to a dance class. salsa. good times. stupid young kid from jersey, who i tried to make jersey conversation with, but he blew me off as if i didn't know what i was talking about. he was talking big about how he´d already traveled around peru, he was just here, this time to learn spanish. then he said he had lots of quinces to go to. then his dad picked him up. stupid kid.
there was also a german girl who had been traveling in south america since february. and i ask myself, ¿who are these people? how does one have the time/money to travel for a year. mostly the money i guess. i know what the answer is. i have friends who do it. but i have loans to pay off and credit cards that need payments, and well, i know have a grand total of about $900 in savings (and that's only because my last paycheck hadn't come by the time i left the US). i guess though, i'm glad to know that, at least for some people, there is an escape from the system. and god, i'm lucky to even be doing this for 5 weeks. i just wish i was one of the luckiest that could do it for a year. maybe if i wasn't paying rent in the goddamn most expensive place on earth...well, next to tokyo i guess.
anyway, i was also thinking about the rez tonight, and how i'm never sure i'll find a place that has that magic for me. or maybe i just haven't given this place enough time. or maybe it was just the vodka. and the bilagaana clan. so, here's a shoutout to all my mailmen. i miss you. and maybe next year...the rez.
ok, enough nostalgic waxing. today was good both for morale and research. Peru!
for now, dinner.
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