we went to Jockey Plaza (a mall) to watch the final game on a giant wall of tv screens in the food court. i had some fries and a coke from Bembos while we were there. It didn't get too crazy, but its amazing how the world stops (almost literally) for the world cup final.
tomorrow i go to an impoverished community with the doctors. it should be interesting. from the pictures, it reminds me a bit of the rez. only with even more language barriers. but i'm going with a group of students from england, so at least it won't be like friday, trying to explain my project through broken spanish, to native french speakers.
and cuzco is officially out. i'd like to go, but time, money and motivation are all conspiring against me. next time.
i guess that's about it. only 2 more weeks here. which isn't that short of a time, but i wish it was a bit longer. fortunately, when i return to the states...i have the fair to look forward to.
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