i danced with many a latin boy, but none were as good of teachers and juan and cesar. it made me miss the carbondale days a bit. but not enough to go back. one boy even tried to have me put his email address in his phone, but i kept screwing it up. he ended up with the wrong thing without knowing. oh well...
i also attempted to pass on the fake pound into high five, but i don't think he'll remember to do it again. its weird, kinda fun, but kinda annoying to the the blanca.
today, i caught sight of a Ross dress for less bag. I assume its from the family's trip to AZ, and i am very jealous. i miss the trips with bii jih bah.
today, i went to the museo de archeologia, antropologia, y historia, and itw as fun. i really like Pueblo Libre, the section of town where it is. Muy bien.

its been two weeks here, and i'm getting a little homesick. but i should start "working/researching" tomorrow, so hopefully that will keep me busy.
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