Today, I learned 2 important lessons about my spanish skills...
I am proficient enough to buy things in a non-tourist store...ask for help finding things, tell them what i like/need, etc. However, I am not proficient enough to figure out how to stop talking to a very nice guy who wants to tell me everything he knows about el Parque del Amor at 9:15 am. esta bien.

So, yes, I bought something a bit expensive, but pretty cool. Its a gift for someone, I´m not sure who yet. Maybe I´ll keep it. But its perfecto for someone. And I bought the most appropriate postcard ever for Kolter.
I had my second Inka Cola today. I´ve decided that on its own its too sweet, and the caffiene made me a bit loopy, but mixed with crappy bourbon, it´d be just perfect. "A gentleman and inka cola for the lady please."
I took a ton of pictures, but for now, i´m using other peoples´ pics on the web. i´ll replace them with my own later.
here is el parque del amor
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