today is my last day of work. although my boss hasn't mentioned my quitting since I did the deed, so I wonder if anyone remembers other than bill. i guess they'll figure it out tomorrow when i don't show up.

around 10:30 this morning, i got very nauseous and was fairly certain i was going to throw up. this is approximately what i would have looked like had someone walked into the bathroom. cold floors feel good.especially in offices with very little a.c. fortunately, some ginger ale and crackers took care of the nausea around 11:30. i don't think its nerves, but i haven't eaten any strange food lately. hmmm....
my list of things to do before leaving grows shorter and shorter, and i scheduled my airport shuttle today. 2am is my pickup time. ay yay yay.... but i'm probably better able to handle that than 3 or 4 am, so i guess its alright. just a few more errands to do, making some passport copies at work and then i'm set. its getting scary, but very exciting.
so long estados unidos. hasta luego!
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