as i was walking to target for some last minute items today, i was thinking about something mccall once said to me. (no, not "as the british would say 'do something sexy."--though i guess i have taken that advice).
once, early in the year we were discussing thesis topics and i mentioned being interested in the gentrification of jersey city, as viewed through interactions with 111 1st street. anyway, he told me that often we do things because they are convenient due to our current circumstances (he even mentioned marriage as an example...forshadowing his own problems, perhaps?). he then advised that i do something because i really wanted to and was interested, not because it was easy, convenient or "made sense." and i have certainly taken that advice, though probably not in the way he intended.
so, mccall, not that i doubted it, but in addition to your wonderful words of wisdom ("where the edge is", "post-cadillac", "some would call me a postmodernist, but i would argue no such thing exists.") you give good advice too.
manana es mi dia ultimo en los estados unidos.
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