today was my big Miraflores tourism day. I caught the combi with Simon as usual. Now, those of you who do not live near me and probably (hopefully) those of you that do live near me have never realized/noticed that I am very afraid of hailing

taxis. I´m not sure why....but I´ve gotten over it. I can flag down a bus with a red S like I was born to do it. so, hopefully this translates well to new york cabs. There were reminders of ny/nj everywhere today. a casino called "Atlantic City" and a guy wearing a New York track jacket. Ok, I guess that´s it.
Today, I learned 2 important lessons about my spanish skills...
I am proficient enough to buy things in a non-tourist store...ask for help finding things, tell them what i like/need, etc. However, I am not proficient enough to figure out how to stop talking to a very nice guy who wants to tell me everything he knows about el Parque del Amor at 9:15 am. esta bien.

So, yes, I bought something a bit expensive, but pretty cool. Its a gift for someone, I´m not sure who yet. Maybe I´ll keep it. But its perfecto for someone. And I bought the most appropriate postcard ever for Kolter.
I had my second Inka Cola today. I´ve decided that on its own its too sweet, and the caffiene made me a bit loopy, but mixed with crappy bourbon, it´d be just perfect. "A gentleman and inka cola for the lady please."
I took a ton of pictures, but for now, i´m using other peoples´ pics on the web. i´ll replace them with my own later.
here is el parque del amor
and larcomar, the shopping center with Hooters Peru

Ok, more later, have to leave in 5 min for more postcards. & perhaps a card for my phone.
hasta luego