19 enero 2011


i painted tonight. mostly because last night in seminar dvine made us tell everyone one activity we do to keep ourselves sane. i said painting, and realized i hadn't done it in a while. well, given the palimpsestuous nature of my recent work, i can't really do too much at once, but i did a few things, and made something quite simple that i like actually like quite a bit with some leftover reds and oranges.

the new stuff

all in all, i don't think the current stuff is as good as my last painting, which i also rather like. but really, its the strokes that matter. the feeling of moving the brush. the journey so to say.

the last one (muybridge i)

i also listened to some of scamz's stuff on phonography. in particular, beneath the waves, because i'm told that my recorded voice will be included when he does a live reading at MICA in february. i suggested perhaps, since i'll be there (though likely late, thanks to lavender), he should just let me do it live, but he ignored the request. i also listened to the other which always is a little nostalgia-inducing. alas, the night was a good artsy-rounded night. now if only i could get to sleep.

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