29 setiembre 2007

fin de semana

friday was a really great day. i went with jag and blondie to a congressional briefing on slums. very interesting. apparently brazil has got it figured out (well, more than the rest of the world, at least). no real policy solutions though.

then i noticed hollywood video was closing and bought 4 dvds.

then i read some durkheim.

then i got my stipend check.

then a bunch of us went to heritage india. good times. the first picture of me in dc was taken.

today was less exciting, with the bank telling me my check wouldn't be avaliable for 5 business days, and plenty more durkheiming. but i'm done now! at least until i have to write about him. but that's a good 5 days away. i also cleaned my kitchen today and did some cabinet rearranging. it was much needed. oh, how i love method.

to end the day, i watched volver, finally, and it was pretty wonderful. i want to watch it with my mom & lou. speaking of which, its mamaH's birthday today. which means mine is less than a month away. i think i'm going to buy myself a pair of nice jeans for the occasion. its probably time to start a search. away we go....

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