31 mayo 2007

freegan moving

tomorrow is june 1, officially marking the beginning of my last month of permanent new jersey living.
and so, i am about to embark on what i hope to be a socially responsible and cheap move. i hope to follow the freegan philosophy of waste-minimalization, and so, i hope to give away a large amount of what i am not taking with me. this includes clothing, books, furniture, random appliance like things, etc.

this weekend i'll be mailing a big box to my parents which has a lot of their stuff in it, plus things i'll need while in IL.

but there is much more excess in my posession. so i hope that craigslist & freecycle will absorb much of it.

and so (not that anyone reads this) if you are looking for any of these things, let me know:
crappy lexmark printer (works fine, but it was like, $30 originally)
old school inkjet printer
ikea bed stand
full length mirror
small ikea desk
wooden slat chair
broken dresser (no bottom drawer, but you can't tell from looking at it)
old sneakers of many varieties (sizes 8-9)
many many t shirts (small-medium)
books including: bitch, the original coming out guide, some goulds, backlash
1/2 used bottles of lotion

probably much much more....i suppose i'll find out as i go along.

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