Tonight I saw what I thought was a documentary about women imprisoned for involvement with Sendero Luminoso. But I was a little confused. The first clue was when 3 women, dressed in the red shirts and black skirts of the other senderistas began introducing themselves in the Navajo way. I thought to myself, are Quechua and Amayra Athabaskan languages? Are clans structured the same way in those cultures? Then it became unmistakably clear that it was indeed Dine' Bizzad. They were performing some sort of adaptation of Hamlet, which mentioned the names of several rez towns (Sheep Springs, Window Rock, Mexican Hat, etc). The Senderistas seemed to understand. Weird. I kept thinking how the hell did these Dine women get involved with S.L.? And what the hell were they doing in Peru in 1989.
But the credits cleared things up. It became clear that this was hardly documentary. Perhaps based on fact and documentary footage, but in no way authentic.
Still, it was pretty enjoyable, and I enjoyed hearing the director speak afterwards. Plus, who doesn't like to hear some Navajo once in a while.
Ya'at eh!
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