Once again, it's time for my top 10 songs of 2014. This year, I don't think a single one is actually from 2014. But these were the soundtrack to my year.
Extra Special Mention
Usually the extra special mention is from a live event, but this year, my only live song is in spot #10 below. This was a song that became important to my research and is just downright funny!
I paid about 3x as much as I should have to see this band play in Brixton. I wondered if it was ill advised until they closed with this song, and we all sang along. For the past, present, and beyond...
Good for walking through London to or from work. Good for reminding me that there's a point to all this (hopefully!)
This has long been a favorite of mine. But it was especially important to remember the sentiment this year. And in that moment, when I stood in the middle of a Paris apartment and it started playing, everything felt destined. Shortly thereafter it all went to shit, but hey, at least for that moment everything felt right.
I'm not sure I even listened to this song that much this year. But it was something I needed to remind myself. There were some pretty dark days in there. Singing this helped.
Sometimes it was too loud to write, or even think with all the construction going on in my little shack in Hospicio. I'd put this on, turn it up as loud as possible, and my fingers would fly. It's probably at least 90% responsible for my timely completion of a book chapter (if not more).
Perhaps a perfect soundtrack to the depression.
And now for something a little lighter. Y'all know I love me some PITBULL!!!! And this is a pretty damn good ass-shakin' tune.
I'm not sure if I truly believe it, but the song brought me some comfort. And it's a good one for driving in the desert moonlight.
It's a good one for reminiscing about an earthquake. And it certainly got it's fair share of play afterwards.
This one is probably much closer to most of my romantic feelings this year. And seeing it live at the terremoto relief concert was magical in it's ability to make me smile. Oh, Gepe, if only you're weren't such a cultural imperialist asshat.
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