Despite the fact that I had walked past it at least twice a week for the last 4 months, I did not know where the Obelisco was.
There were muffled discussions on the other end of the phone.
Ok, its across the Prado from the post office.
The post office I did know. So I walked downhill on Calle Colombia crossed the Prado and took a left. After a few blocks I found the fabled hotdog cart and squeezed past it through the doorway it partially occupied. I pressed on, down the concrete steps, past the scantily occupied plastic lunch tables, and there at the back I found the two hand-set bowling lanes and all six of them mid-game.
I was late and had to bowl five frames in a row. I realized quickly the lanes were warped, and as Justin put it, “these guys set pins like they’re on acid.” In the end, I was more than pleased with my score ( “chocho” as they would say in Bolivia—but not Spain or Brazil). I came in fourth of seven with 109 points, and was given a nod of approval.
A month later I found myself cruising down a Western North Carolina highway to the nearest bowling alley on the outskirts of Asheville. As my companion and I rounded a wide corner he told me the only time he’d ever scored a turkey was in Asheville when he was about 13. I responded that if I ever had such a fluke I’d be too stunned to finish the game.
And then, an hour later, on a lane in which my first gutterball of the evening hopped out of the gutter and knocked two pins down, I stood ready to throw the first ball of my tenth frame. The eighth and ninth had both been strikes. I sent the ball down the lane in a way consistent with my previous rolls. And nine pins toppled over. I shrugged my shoulders, turned my back and laughed slightly. Who was I to think I could ever master The Turkey? And then, my partner stood up with a funny look to his face. What? Look. Yes, miraculously, a pin started teetering well after the ball had left the end of the lane and eventually fell. Fortunately, just a few more rolls and I finished off the game. Yes, still in shock, but apparently no so shocked I couldn’t finish.
After several more pins falling at random times far from impact from the ball, and no less than 3 times the 10-pin formation coming down with only 9, I declared that these pin setters, as mechanical as they were, also must be on acid. Apparently that’s the only way I can even hope for mediocrity.
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