It is the first real spring-like day in Chicago, and all the Lincoln Park Trixies are dressed like they are headed to South Beach, and I’m the only one on this plane to Miami with a giant suitcase full of sweaters and wool socks. I thought my stay in Miami would be limited to a mad dash from the domestic terminal to an international flight gate, but it seems I’ll be staying for about 24 hours.
The flight out of Chicago was tight to begin with, and after being delayed twice, its just downright late. So the trip I’ve been waiting for since four years ago. Waiting for since I was a junior in college, really, I suppose. Waiting for tens years to set off on, has now been delayed another day.
So tomorrow, rather than sleepily stumbling off an airplane at 5am, through customs, and into the Ram’s car, I will be waking up in a cozy Miami hotel bed and wasting most of the day before my 10:30 pm flight. But perhaps this will give me a chance to get some work done. Perhaps I’ll work on that impending grant application. Or that book chapter, or journal article. Perhaps I’ll be productive and pay for hotel internet and send some emails to feminist groups or travel companies. But I’m totally unprepared for lounging by a pool or stolling along the beach. And the air conditioning may be the only thing that makes my misplaced wardrobe manageable. So, alas, productivity awaits. A Florida!

because on international flights, they're not allowed to release luggage once its checked, i only had the contents of my backpack and purse:
1 bra
1 underwear
2 hair bands
1 long sleeve t shirt
1 pair jeans
1 pair tall wool socks
1 pair leather boots
1 down coat
1 scarf
1 wool sweater
15 altitude sickness pills
1 nalgene bottle
1 wallet
1 swatch watch
2 pens
2 mechanical pencils
1 flash drive
1 pair bvlgari glasses
1 pair sunglasses
1 pair apple earbuds
1 canon camera
10 twenty dollar bills
1 canon G12 camera
1 zoom h2 voice recorder
1 jansport backpack
1 dell inspiron mini
1 binder
1 college ruled composition notebook
1 small recycled paper notebook
1 culture and truth by renato rosaldo
1 lonely planet bolivia guidebook
1 larousse pocket spanish/english dictionary
2 hotel vouchers
4 meal vouchers
1 new flight ticket
2 comentarios:
Why did you pack a separate backpack in your backpack?
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