31 enero 2011

en tiempo

something to keep in mind, i suppose...

especially in these days when i am painfully un-busy. when the next few months look to be endless waiting. and the ones after that will be the well-known, well-aggrivating months of hurrying up and waiting of fieldwork. in a place where concepts of time are different (though i make no claims to be able to assess under which category Paceños or Alteños might fall. Sometimes you just have to breathe deeply and surrender, and remind yourself that time is all relative. Abstract time is a capitalist convention. And the notion of wasting time, is thus, simply a product of commodity fetishism in which time is part of the commodity. To waste time is to waste value (even in a more figurative "value of spending time having fun" sort of meaning). But if I can break myself away from that, learn to enjoy the endless grant applications (talk about commodity fetish...), and savor my last months in dc, maybe i'll snap out of this lousy feeling i've been having.

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