especially in these days when i am painfully un-busy. when the next few months look to be endless waiting. and the ones after that will be the well-known, well-aggrivating months of hurrying up and waiting of fieldwork. in a place where concepts of time are different (though i make no claims to be able to assess under which category Paceños or Alteños might fall. Sometimes you just have to breathe deeply and surrender, and remind yourself that time is all relative. Abstract time is a capitalist convention. And the notion of wasting time, is thus, simply a product of commodity fetishism in which time is part of the commodity. To waste time is to waste value (even in a more figurative "value of spending time having fun" sort of meaning). But if I can break myself away from that, learn to enjoy the endless grant applications (talk about commodity fetish...), and savor my last months in dc, maybe i'll snap out of this lousy feeling i've been having.
31 enero 2011
19 enero 2011
i painted tonight. mostly because last night in seminar dvine made us tell everyone one activity we do to keep ourselves sane. i said painting, and realized i hadn't done it in a while. well, given the palimpsestuous nature of my recent work, i can't really do too much at once, but i did a few things, and made something quite simple that i like actually like quite a bit with some leftover reds and oranges.
the new stuff
all in all, i don't think the current stuff is as good as my last painting, which i also rather like. but really, its the strokes that matter. the feeling of moving the brush. the journey so to say.
the last one (muybridge i)
i also listened to some of scamz's stuff on phonography. in particular, beneath the waves, because i'm told that my recorded voice will be included when he does a live reading at MICA in february. i suggested perhaps, since i'll be there (though likely late, thanks to lavender), he should just let me do it live, but he ignored the request. i also listened to the other which always is a little nostalgia-inducing. alas, the night was a good artsy-rounded night. now if only i could get to sleep.
16 enero 2011
col rizada
on new year's day, mc & i set off to make some traditional(?) black eyed peas. he insisted kale should be involved. and so i bought a bunch of kale at giant. it was indeed giant. now, on january 16th, i still have a few servings left, and i've been eating it regularly. at least 1 meal every other day or so. apparently, this is good, because according to my new favorite blog, valet (which is of course aimed at a GQ-esque male audience), kale is good for workout recover, bone strength, and cancer prevention. and i should be doing well, because i've been eating it along with a lot of tomatoes too.
i've made
1. black eyed pea, tomato, and kale stew
2. pasta with kale, bell peppers, and feta
3. kale filled pastries (sort of like spanokopita)
4. flat bread with kale, onions, and parmesean
5. tomato kale soup
i thought i'd provide a little recipe inspiration here. i'd say the original stew and the tomato kale soup were the best, but the pastries were the most creative i thought. so here you are:
1 tbsp butter
1 onion
3 cloves garlic
salt & pepper to taste
bunch of kale
1 tomato
4 oz feta
2 tbsp red wine vinegar
1 pkg crescent rolls
tear kale into pieces
melt the butter & add garlic & onion. immediately being adding kale. sautee until sauteed.
dice tomato & feta, mix and add vinegar
unroll crescent roll package. lay out 4 rolls in original triangular form. make a small mound of kale on top. add some feta mixture. put another triangle over the top. attempt to seal on the sides.
bake according to crescent roll directions.
15 enero 2011
primas son las amigas mejores
i was feeling kind of down tonight. it may have had something to do with the fact that my phone keeps crapping out, and conversations with people dear to me are interrupted midway through with seemingly no way of re-starting them within 20 minutes. i was lying glumly in bed, catching up on my google reader, and thinking of how i should probably enmesh myself in an art project to revive my spirits.
and then the phone rang again. but i put it on speaker phone, and heard a voice that sounds quite like mine. it was my cousin ampbt (which is her initials, but kinda looks like it could be a new energy drink or something). and i can't imagine anyone better to have spoken to. we talked for an hour an a half about weddings, babies, husbands, clothing, weight gaining, aversions to running, old friends, new friends, crazy mothers, self-deprecating sisters, slow talking fathers, and cousins "on the other side" (though surprisingly, the meth cousins did not make an appearance in the conversation).
i often think that she and i (as well as her sister and i) are closer than many people are with some siblings. we essentially grew up together. from the nutcracker (see below) to late night denny's coffee, we experienced all the important stuff together. she tried to find me a date to my junior prom, and i begged her to go to homecoming with my friend, jbl (now jbl, esq.). and probably a lot of it was our proximity in age, similarity of interests, and the inescapablility of genetics. but what it comes down to is: there are very few people who understand me like she does (lou and char being the only other two i can think of-not even the nice or consueloz quite measure up).
all dressed up for the nutcracker (i'd guess 1985?)
and yet, we rarely talk. usually on october 27. or briefly on the phone to make plans when i'm in chicago. but only when we are actually in each others' physical presence do we have those late night wine fueled conversations that drift from topic to topic until we can barely keep our eyes open. but tonight was different. she called because she and char were at kap's place and char and kap started fighting. she just needed to talk to someone who could understand how ampbt spilling a bit of lasagna on the floor could start a fight between her mother and sister. and oh, how i understand.
and every time, we say, we shall make a habit of these talks. hopefully we will. i miss her terribly. i suppose the fact that lou is in heytown was part of my melancholy state. and hearing that the three parker-baker-tapia-belsan-s were together perhaps added to it. it makes me want to be in chicago so badly. it makes me regret so badly the bachelorette, and graduation, and birthday parties i've missed. but in time. i will be back. at least briefly. but i will relish it.
10 enero 2011
barbas de nuevo
so back when i was first envisioning The Anthropology of Beards, i had 2 associates (the tall one and the gay one, as LT puts it) with whom to scheme. and scheme we did. that's about all we did. we were very good at making plans. and unless we impulsively flipped a coin to determine whether we immediately leave on a 9 hr road trip, we were not nearly as good on following through on those plans.
however, ee (the gay one), took some initiative and talked up The Anthropology of Beards to other colleagues and acquaintances and got some bites. they started scheming without my input and what i envisioned as an anthropology of the performance, symbolism, cultural significance, and community meaning of facial hair (mostly beards) now has a "main theme ... [of] passing and gender."
this is not to say that my work is not about passing or gender. gender most certainly. because the community i was looking at includes women. but to what extent? by what association? and what exactly is the social meaning of vagerino?
and passing is there to a lesser extent. i think one of the most fascinating things about whiskerino is the focus on artistic vision in addition to facial hair. this is NOT a beard contest. if anything it is a photographic contest with a metatheme of beard. thus, there are plenty of men involved who have very light, thin, or otherwise less than ideal ("immense facial hair density, girth, and coverage") beards. and for the majority of the whiskerino duration, most people's faces look just kind of dirty, itchy, and unkempt.
there's also an element of passing in the symbolism and meaning attributed to the beard in an etic v emic perspective. what does a beard allow one to pass for (musician or artist). and what does it markedly disallow one to pass for (businessperson)?
so its all there. but the ways in which i incorporate gender and passing are decidedly not talking about the intersections of "beards/facial hair and transgressive or pathologised sexual practices and diverse sexualities."
and so, this project, may move forward without me. disappointing, but not hopeless. for, the proliferation of an anthropology of beards puts forward all anthropologies of beards. !viva la barba-lucion!
08 enero 2011
falda nueva
this time, i'm actually going along with the resolution. yesterday, i made a skirt. from double recycled fabric. you see, back in the jc days when cutsofbeef and i would sit around, drink cheap wine, and watch project runway to our hearts' delight, i bought this big yellow (perhaps, more accurately, goldenrod) bedsheet at the local salvation army. at his encouraging, in scarlott style, i made that sheet into a little sundress. but the fact was, it never fit me that well. the bust was too tight, the hemline was neither kneelength, nor tea-length. in the end, it smashed certain parts of me and was "frumpy"
so, it sat in various closets, boxes, crates, storage spaces, and basements for a few years. and then, yesterday, it emerged into the light. and seam ripped, and cut, and pinned, and ironed, and basted, and sewed, and seam-ripped, and re-sewed. and eventually...i had this
06 enero 2011
remember that whole not buying new clothing, and simplifying, and avoiding consumerism thing...
maybe i'll do a better job tomorrow
placas mapas
ok, so it only took me an hour or so to totally go back on all that consumerist, curated resolution stuff. but seriously, these are beyond awesome.
05 enero 2011
nuevo ano
i've been trying to come up with a resolution, and i think i've got a good one.

i feel better just thinking about it.
but first, the usuals. cut paper out of my life (i've got a decent start on this one). cut out plastic too (quite a bit harder). drive less (so far, i've only driving to drop off at the airport in 2011). walk more. eat simply and tastily. buy 2nd hand or make most of my clothing. and by all means, do what you can to divorce yourself from consumerism.
but i think the real kicker actually combines some of these, with an artistic flair. it is...dum dum dum....
curate your life
sounds all hoity toity and stuff huh. well here's the deal, its simply to do things with intention. buy a shirt because its a very well made shirt and i will wear it for years (not because its $3 at target). acquire books i will actually read and want in my collection (not because they're on the free books bench). organize. simplify. make life both aesthetically and experientially enjoyable.
i feel better just thinking about it.
02 enero 2011
viviendo con yo
i caught myself today, thinking "i can't wait until i live alone."
its no secret certain things around here endlessly drive me crazy. maybe i'm just too old. maybe by 30(ish) we're too set in our ways to gracefully live with the rules of those with whom we disagree. different household ideologies*...
and the little things get me so frustrated. i keep telling myself the daily frustrations are a small trade off for living in a nice building in a location i enjoy. but the truth is, i think 1/2 the reason i want this grant is that it will give me an excuse to move out asap.
and i can't help but notice the gendered nature of household ideologies i've observed. the first time i lived with others in an independent household (meaning, not a university dormitory) outside of my parents' home (for an extended period of time) was when i lived with folks on hamlin. we managed to get along pretty well, and divide chores and such, but not without the "chore wheel" created by the other woman living in the apartment. when she left and i lived with 3 men, the chore wheel when down the toilet and things deteriorated to the point that i refused to do dishes because no one else would. i kept 1 set of dishes in my room, which i washed in the bathroom sink after each meal, because the kitchen sink was so full of quickly molding boy-used dishes.
later in life, i lived with cutsofbeef, who defied gender stereotypes in many ways. on friday nights he liked to drink a bottle of wine, do some baking, and clean the apartment with no small amount of method products. which of course was perfectly fine with me. but my point here is not that he defied the construct i'm setting up. my point is that he felt no need to regiment cleaning. it was something done when someone wants to do it or sees a need for it. there was no need for charts, schedules, or lists. cleaning was managed laissez faire. its only been women i've lived with that have needed hard and fast schedules, rules, and routines.
and its this regimentation and surveillance that drives me crazy. i live in a foucaultian cleaning panopticon. i get emails asking when i will be mopping the floor, or askance comments about whether i used the "correct" cleaning product for a certain task. maybe its my own fault for being non-confrontational, but i'm mad as hell and i'm not going to take it any more. except that i probably will.
and then the other side of all this is, i actually will never live alone again. my little house in the country and my garden apartment at the bottom of the hill will be my only forays. however, when i move, i will get to live with someone who i, for the most part, actually share much household ideology. if anything, i'm the clean(er) freak. but there is little nagging or passive agressive insinuations about the frequency or method by which cleaning occurs. sure i probably strongly suggest on occasion that there is way too much dust hiding beneath the couch, and he can't understand why anyone would use any product other than bon ami (or perhaps feigns ignorance that anyone could possibly think anything else might be effective). but on the whole, we agree on cleaning, cooking, energy usage, and clutter levels. and that is one of the most reassuring things i can think of.
* i'm either coining or misusing the term household ideology. either way, what i mean is simply the cooking, cleaning, technology & resource use, and organizational patterns of the home to which people ascribe a level of neutral naturalness and common sensicality. ie. it is obviously totally logical to clean the bathroom once a week, or is obviously totally logical to clean the bathroom bathroom when it seems to be getting "dirty."
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