i've never been one to read horoscopes incessantly, but a dear friend has been forwarding me a weekly freewill horoscope lately, and this weeks seems particularly apropos:
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): This is one of those rare times when your empathy could undo you unless you adhere to the following guidelines. 1. Squelch any attraction you might have to fascinating ruins, sexy decay, or appalling beauty. 2. If you have been sucked into the sphere of a good-looking monster or seductive tyrant, yank yourself free. 3. Break your gaze the instant you sense you're falling under the sway of a flaming narcissist. 4. Suppress the temptation to think this thought: "I'm bored with my hell; I want to hang out in *your* hell for a change."
I think it means its time to say goodbye to mr. reganomics...
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