31 marzo 2008
recomendaciones de libros: Colombia
27 marzo 2008
nuestra marca es crisis
At the time, I appreciated this answer. I’ve always felt that in documentary, arguments are best made by lying out the information and (though it is clearly editied and positions) letting the audience reach their own conclusions. Basically, the opposite of Michael Moore’s brand of leading the audience along. I think there’s much to be said for trusting the intelligence of your audience.
I watched the firm for a second time, and with 3 years’ more knowledge of the history, culture, politics, and neoliberal positioning of the Andean nation, my feelings are a little different. I still appreciate Rachel’s answer and position, but I don’t believe the film does enough to provide the audience a solid base from which to judge Goni. His role in the privatization of natural gas in
I realize a feature length doc. Cannot necessarily fully survey a nation’s neoliberal history as well as look intricately at a particular election and candidate, but I can’t help vut feel a little slighted by being given the opportunity to “decide for myself” without the necessary background to do so.
Or maybe I just feel vengeful.
25 marzo 2008

18 marzo 2008
las estrellas
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): This is one of those rare times when your empathy could undo you unless you adhere to the following guidelines. 1. Squelch any attraction you might have to fascinating ruins, sexy decay, or appalling beauty. 2. If you have been sucked into the sphere of a good-looking monster or seductive tyrant, yank yourself free. 3. Break your gaze the instant you sense you're falling under the sway of a flaming narcissist. 4. Suppress the temptation to think this thought: "I'm bored with my hell; I want to hang out in *your* hell for a change."
I think it means its time to say goodbye to mr. reganomics...
06 marzo 2008
egg foucault*
but in a class of 9 women and 1 man, the conversation evolved into gendered discipline. and i realized that in many instances women become responsible for the discipline of men. motherhood is perhaps the most prevalent example, but wives, girlfriends, teachers, etc. all play a role. not to say that this dynamic is always gendered, but women are often the parties looked to for maintenance of discipline.
and its something i've certainly internalized. with my former crew of boys, i often took on the role of sheparding home (especially after blondies), making sure no one got in fights. it was i who discouraged honking at women walking down the street (which of course has multiple layers of stuff going on). and i was always the one pushing for civilized things like brunches, and grocery shopping, and limiting the stroh consumed (which i would argue has a direct correlation with lack of discipline).
and so, in a way, i feel the need to apologize for letting all the subconscious gendered disciplining factors invade my personality. but on the other hand, apologizing only serves to reinforce the discipline i've already found myself in. sometimes, the uncomfortable places are the important ones. sometimes, its better to let people find their own way than to lead them. and so, i will not be disappointed in myself, despite my attention to discipline.
instead i will treat myself to a caribbean vacation.
next time i write, it will be with a tan (or sunburn)
*props to Val for the brilliant nickname...or was it Mags?
05 marzo 2008
i had a rather emotionally rough sunday night. accompanied by a sudden termite infestation. one moment i was was sitting on my couch, the next i go into the bedroom and there are about 15 bugs swarming around my light fixture. in the bathroom the sink was filled with them, and their moulted wings covered the floor. i spent the evening being resentful, swatting, crying, Raid-ing, and talking for 5+ hours.
i eventually recovered from both. after a few conversations with r___ and r___ (not r____), my mom, and some deep thinking, i've realized i have no reason to be guilty or regretful. and i believe there's no sense in resentment. i was in a much better mental state for about 24 hours.
then last night, i fell asleep reading foucault at 9ish, and woke up at midnight to a kitchen that was totally flooded. the rain poured all day and eventually seeped through the foundation it seems. i put the de-humidifier in the kitchen and hoped it would help a little. this morning, the pooling water and been transformed by that wonderful machine to just sopping wet carpet.
but, as i went to turn on my computer for the conference call with elsa, i had some problems. it just won't turn on. apparently, "no operating system [is] detected." well, i've been meaning to buy a new computer for a while, and really 5 1/2 years for a laptop is a pretty good lifespan. but i'm poor, and well, i want a mac, and macs are expensive, so i'm not sure what my plan is this point. i can probably do without anything for the rest of the week and make a decision after spring break.
so its an unlucky week, but at least i'm headed to a caribbean island soon. though this doesn't bode well. i certainly hope this doesn't compare to the spring break i had in florida with uncle joey. i have no interest in taking a bus (or raft) to tobago, then spending time consoling a divorced, bi-polar, drunk-driving relative.
and on that note, i leave you with my favorite movie quote of all time
man 1 (to man 2): Estupido!
man 2 (to man 3): What's he saying?