peruvian related things
* i attempted to make myself a peruvian style dinner the other day, though in reality it was much more like a peruvian lunch, in my experience at least: I had spicy saffron rice, smashed black beans, avocado & tomato slices, corn on the cobb, and a hard boiled egg. Very tasty, and I even had some chicha left in the fridge, but its been a few months, so i didn't partake. i think its time to throw it out.
*i'm seeing kelsey in a little over a week! she is brining me an inflatable llama from lima. she also may bring me an alpaca sweater, because i never bought one, and probably should have. i have to locate my leftover soles though. i think they've made their way to illinois (back to lima time), so it will probably require a phone call and mailing.
*my boss now has a half-peruvian daughter (she's salvadoriana, her husband is peruano). she's a pretty cute kid, though i must say, she doesn't compare to the radiance that is my own mexican-polish niece (mas o menos).
non-peruvian related items
this spring has been one of adulthood for me.
*3 babies born to close friends, plus my cousin in law is pregnant again.
*the whole grad school thing makes me feel adult-like.
*i've been to an engagement party and a wedding, and have another wedding next weekend. *this weekend i'm going away to the shore. the first weekend of june has been appointed as time to find an apartment in dc.
*i'm also being very domestic (at least in my planning). I want to make a rather elaborate quilt for myself. this is my inspiration:

and i'd also like to make something more reasonable for my sobrina.
*granted, i'm not all that grown up. i'm scouring craigslist for used furniture.
in other news, i think this blog needs more pictures. and i've been thinking about its function as well. i think i'd like it to be more of an everyday blog, than a strictly peruvian blog. to replace the myspace blog. because lovely as it is, it might be time to move on (to facebook!--just kidding).
we'll see how long that lasts, but its worth a try.
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