so, i intended to keep this up after lima. unfortunately, i became employed in a 12 hr. day, 7 day a week job for a short time. i didn't do much but sleep and work. there will be more on that later. i'm preparing myself to write thorough investigation of my experience.
now, on to more important things...
today, the rest of my family left on their vacation. i was left alone in the big house with just the cat and lizard to keep me company. so, tonight i fell back on my second family.
its funny, last time i hung out with the kids, they called me. this time i called their niece, and just happened to find myself invited to a family get together.
and i never really thought of them as family before, but i realized as i walked in the door, really, i've known this family aunts, uncles, grandparents, kids, parents, etc. since i was 5. i know there will be a certain point in the evening when the two young cousins will wander off to call boys. and then kerry will say something misogynist and bill will start arguing conservative politics. and stace & i will play off each others' gender theory in an attempt to raise some consciousness, but really, its just the cheap beer talking.
and i feel comfortable. and its almost like home.
in other news, tomorrow i leave for chicago, then the wedding in muncie. then the iowa state fair. hopefully. transportation has yet to be arranged.
but the closet is finally cleaned. i have a sizeable paycheck on the way (but still not the paycheck the engineering co. still owes me), and i'm about to have a good week.
just remember the two most important rules:
-don't ruin anyone's fair fun
-what stays on the road, stays on the road (yes, that's how its supposed to be written)
that pretty much covers it all. meet me at the racing corner tap sunday night. i'll buy you a boilermaker.
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