against my better judgement, i have been persuaded (coerced) into eating only raw food for a week. granted, the lasagna and apple pie were damn good, but i know i am going to regret this. don't worry, i PROMISE this will not turn permanent. i will never try to convince you that you should try it. i will never chant "cooked food is poison." but i think there are some important things that will be made clear by doing this.
first, i'm convinced that the more thought that goes into food, the better. in making it harder for myself to eat whatever happens to be around, i will hopefully be paying more attention to where my food is coming from, what's in season, which nutrients i'm actually getting...not to say that one must eat raw food to pay attention to such things. but it also cuts way down on packaging and energy used to cook (though i'm still keeping fresh things cold in the fridge).
second, i think this will be a study in the kind of time, dedication, and resources such a lifestyle would entail. many diets, even vegetarian ones, are only available to those in privileged positions. soaking things takes a lot of time. raw nuts and some of the other specialty type items important to raw food are hard to find, and food processors, dehydrators, and juicers are expensive. basically, to pull this off, you'd have to be an affluent, leisure-endowed, childless person with some pretty swell kitchen appliances.
anyway, i might end up giving up after a few days, but i thought it would be an interesting experience to write about. dissertation seminar ordered pizza tonight and had some leftovers, which ee and i scavenged. so broccoli pizza (though cold) will be my last cooked meal for a week. here goes the experiment.....